Ban biên tập Chuyên trang Quản lý Môi trường, Tạp chí Môi trường và Đô thị Việt Nam trân trọng giới thiệu tới quý độc giả Công bố quốc tế lĩnh vực môi trường số 13-2024.
Về quản lý môi trường
– Ảnh hưởng của nước thải nhà máy xử lý nước thải đến rủi ro vi sinh vật của mầm bệnh và khả năng kháng kháng sinh của chúng ở sông tiếp nhận.
– Theo dõi lượng phát thải khí nhà kính chưa được tính toán do chiến tranh ở Ukraine kể từ năm 2022.
– Tiếp xúc lâu dài với ô nhiễm không khí và nguy cơ đột quỵ ở các vùng sinh thái: Nghiên cứu REGARDS.
– Mô hình không gian xanh, khí tượng và ô nhiễm không khí ở Đài Loan: Mối liên hệ nhiều mặt.
– Ảnh hưởng của trợ cấp của chính phủ đến quyết định sản xuất của các nhà tái sản xuất, xem xét chất lượng sản phẩm, ý định mua hàng của khách hàng và lượng khí thải carbon.
– Đặc tính và đánh giá rủi ro sức khỏe của hydrocacbon thơm đa vòng gắn PM2.5 tại Yangon và Mandalay của Myanmar.
– Phát triển bản thể luận để theo dõi và đánh giá lượng khí thải carbon trong xây dựng.
– Hệ sinh thái rừng ngập mặn ở khu vực Đông Nam Á: Phạm vi rừng ngập mặn, tiềm năng carbon xanh và lượng phát thải CO2 giai đoạn 1996–2020.
– Dự báo về việc tạo ra dư lượng nông nghiệp từ cây lúa, lúa mì và hạt có dầu ở Ấn Độ bằng kỹ thuật học máy: Khám phá các chiến lược quản lý thông minh bền vững.
Về môi trường đô thị
– Quản lý chất thải rắn đô thị để chuyển đổi carbon thấp: Đánh giá có hệ thống các ứng dụng mạng lưới thần kinh nhân tạo để dự đoán xu hướng.
– Cộng đồng vi khuẩn của vi khuẩn phù du và màng sinh học trưởng thành trong các dây chuyền dịch vụ và hệ thống ống nước tiền đề của Siêu đô thị: Thành phần, tính đa dạng và các yếu tố ảnh hưởng.
– Ảnh hưởng của một sân bay thương mại lớn đến nồng độ số lượng hạt siêu mịn ở khu dân cư ở xa trong các điều kiện gió khác nhau và tác động của đại dịch COVID-19.
– Việc phân loại loài cây cải thiện việc ước tính BVOC từ không gian xanh đô thị.
– Nghiên cứu đặc tính đồng khí hóa của sinh khối và chất thải rắn đô thị dựa trên học máy.
– Ảnh hưởng của việc tiếp xúc với tiếng ồn cá nhân, chất lượng giấc ngủ và tình trạng kiệt sức đến chất lượng cuộc sống: Một nghiên cứu đoàn hệ tham gia trực tuyến tại Đài Loan.
– Sự phát triển tổng hợp của khả năng phục hồi và hiệu quả của hệ thống nước-năng lượng-thực phẩm trong các khu đô thị.
– Xây dựng mạng lưới đảo lạnh để giảm thiểu hiệu ứng đảo nhiệt đô thị.
– Chế tạo vật liệu geopolyme chức năng từ tro bay đốt chất thải rắn đô thị: Phương pháp kết hợp nghiên cứu thực nghiệm và mô phỏng tính toán.
Về môi trường khu công nghiệp
– Ảnh hưởng của sự nóng lên toàn cầu và công nghiệp hóa đối với các rạn san hô: Kỷ lục 600 năm về những thay đổi nguyên tố ở phía Đông Biển Đỏ.
– Mô hình đánh giá công nghệ xử lý sinh học tại chỗ đất ô nhiễm hydrocarbon dầu mỏ.
– Quang điện nhiệt (TPV), sản xuất và sử dụng hydro hỗ trợ năng lượng mặt trời và gió trong ngành sắt thép để sản xuất carbon thấp.
– Những hiểu biết mới về giảm độc tính và loại bỏ chất ô nhiễm trong quá trình xử lý nước thải sản xuất giấy điển hình.
– Đổi mới công nghệ khu vực ảnh hưởng đến tình trạng nghèo năng lượng như thế nào? Vai trò của biến dạng cơ cấu công nghiệp.
– Tối ưu hóa hấp phụ và mô hình hóa các ion Hg2+ từ dung dịch nước bằng phương pháp phản ứng bề mặt bằng vật liệu nanocompozit sinh học SNPs–CS được sản xuất từ chất thải công nghiệp nông nghiệp trấu như một chất hấp phụ nano sinh học mới thân thiện với môi trường.
– Đặc điểm diễn biến, xu hướng môi trường và phân tích nguồn gốc hydrocarbon thơm đa vòng trong môi trường nước khu công nghiệp.
– Nghiên cứu chế tạo vật liệu composite quang xúc tác UV-CD/Zeolite-4A/TiO2 kết hợp chiếu tia cực tím và ứng dụng quang xúc tác phân hủy thuốc nhuộm.
– Tác động của việc phân loại chất thải đến việc loại bỏ nitơ sinh học trong nhà máy xử lý nước rỉ rác đốt MSW: Hiệu suất và sự thay đổi cộng đồng vi sinh vật.
Tạp chí Môi trường và Đô thị Việt Nam
Xin trân trọng giới thiệu!
1. Effects of wastewater treatment plant effluent on microbial risks of pathogens and their antibiotic resistance in the receiving river
Environmental Pollution, Volume 345, 15 March 2024, 123461
The increase in effluent discharge from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) into urban rivers has raised concerns about the potential effects on pathogen risks. This study utilized metagenomic sequencing combined with flow cytometry to analyze pathogen concentrations and antibiotic resistance in a typical effluent-receiving river. Quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) was employed to assess the microbial risks of pathogens. The results indicated obvious spatial-temporal differences (i.e., summer vs. winter and effluent vs. river) in microbial composition. Microcystis emerged as a crucial species contributing to these variations. Pathogen concentrations were found to be higher in the river than in the effluent, with the winter exhibiting higher concentrations compared to the summer. The effluent discharge slightly increased the pathogen concentrations in the river in summer but dramatically reduced them in winter.
The combined effects of cyanobacterial bloom and high temperature were considered key factors suppressing pathogen concentrations in summer. Moreover, the prevalence of antibiotic resistance of pathogens in the river was inferior to that in the effluent, with higher levels in winter than in summer. Three high-concentration pathogens (Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) were selected for QMRA. The results showed that the risks of pathogens exceeded the recommended threshold value. Escherichia coli posed the highest risks. And the fishing scenario posed significantly higher risks than the walking scenario. Importantly, the effluent discharge helped reduce the microbial risks in the receiving river in winter. The study contributes to the management and decision-making regarding microbial risks in the effluent-receiving river.
2. Tracking unaccounted greenhouse gas emissions due to the war in Ukraine since 2022
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 914, 1 March 2024, 169879
Accounting and reporting of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are mandatory for Parties under the Paris Agreement. Emissions reporting is important for understanding the global carbon cycle and for addressing global climate change. However, in a period of open conflict or war, military emissions increase significantly and the accounting system is not currently designed to account adequately for this source. In this paper we analyze how, during the first 18 months of the 2022/2023 full-scale war in Ukraine, GHG national inventory reporting to the UNFCCC was affected. We estimated the decrease of emissions due to a reduction in traditional human activities. We identified major, war-related, emission processes from the territory of Ukraine not covered by current GHG inventory guidelines and that are not likely to be included in national inventory reports.
If these emissions are included, they will likely be incorporated in a way that is not transparent with potentially high uncertainty. We analyze publicly available data and use expert judgment to estimate such emissions from (1) the use of bombs, missiles, barrel artillery, and mines; (2) the consumption of oil products for military operations; (3) fires at petroleum storage depots and refineries; (4) fires in buildings and infrastructure facilities; (5) fires on forest and agricultural lands; and (6) the decomposition of war-related garbage/waste. Our estimate of these war-related emissions of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide for the first 18 months of the war in Ukraine is 77 MtCO2-eq. with a relative uncertainty of +/−22 % (95 % confidence interval).
3. Long-term exposure to air pollution and risk of stroke by ecoregions: The REGARDS study
Environmental Pollution, Volume 345, 15 March 2024, 123367
Several cohort studies have found associations between long-term exposure to air pollution and stroke risk. However, it is unclear whether the surrounding ecology may modify these associations. This study evaluates associations of air pollution with stroke risk by ecoregions, which are areas of similar type, quality, and quantity of environmental resources in the REasons for Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke (REGARDS) study. We assessed the incidence of stroke in 26,792 participants (45+ yrs) from the REGARDS study, a prospective cohort recruited across the contiguous United States. One-yr and 3-yr means of PM2.5, PM10, O3, NO2, SO2, and CO were estimated at baseline using data from the Center for Air, Climate, & Energy Solution, and assigned to participants at the census block group level. Incident stroke was ascertained through September 30, 2020.
Relations of air pollutants with the risk of incident stroke were estimated using Cox proportional hazards models, adjusting for relevant demographics, behavioral risk factors, and neighborhood urbanicity. Models were stratified by EPA designated ecoregions. A 5.4 μg/m3 (interquartile range) increase in 1-yr PM10 was associated with a hazard ratio (95 %CI) for incident stroke of 1.07 (1.003, 1.15) in the overall study population. We did not find evidence of positive associations for PM2.5, O3, NO2, SO2, and CO in the fully adjusted models. In our ecoregion-specific analysis, associations of PM2.5 with stroke were stronger in the Great Plains ecoregion (HR = 1.44) than other ecoregions, while associations for PM10 were strongest in the Eastern Temperate Forests region (HR = 1.15). The associations between long-term exposure to air pollution and risk of stroke varied by ecoregion. Our results suggests that the type, quality, and quantity of the surrounding ecology can modify the effects of air pollution on risk of stroke
4. Greenspace pattern, meteorology and air pollutant in Taiwan: A multifaceted connection
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 914, 1 March 2024, 169883
Air pollution is a global environmental concern that poses a significant threat to human health. Given the impact of urbanization and climate change, green planning is being encouraged to improve air quality. The study aims to examine the intricate relationships between greenspace pattern and outdoor air around 73 in-situ stations over Taiwan during the dry (November to April) and wet (May to December) seasons from 2015 to 2020. To achieve this, Partial Least Squares – Structural Equation Modeling was utilized to analyze the interactions among seven dimensions: greenspace – GS, gaseous pollutant – GP, particle pollutant – PP, O3 – OZONE, air temperature – TEMP, relative humidity – RH, and wind speed – WS.
The GS involves seven landscape metrics: edge density, total edge, effective mesh size, largest patch area, percentage of landscape, total core area, and patch cohesion index. The results indicate that the GS has a stronger effect on the GP, whereas its effect on the PP is weaker during the dry season compared to the wet season. While its effect on the TEMP is weaker, it shows a slightly stronger effect on the RH during the dry season.
Moreover, the GS mediates the air pollutant dimensions during the two seasons, with the RH acting as a primary mediator. The meteorological dimensions primarily have a greater influence on the air pollutant dimensions during the dry season than the wet season. Consequently, the GS explains 11.3 % more and 18.4 % less of the variances in the RH and TEMP during the dry season, respectively. Moreover, the GS and meteorological dimensions yield a seasonal difference in explained variance, with the highest value observed for the OZONE (R2 = 24.2 %), followed by the PP (R2 = 9.7 %) and GP (R2 = 7.7 %). Notably, seven landscape metrics serve as potential indicators for green strategies in urban planning to enhance outdoor air quality.
5. The influence of government subsidies on remanufacturers’ production decisions, considering product quality, customer purchase intention, and carbon emissions
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 443, 1 March 2024, 141130
Compared to the original product, the quality of remanufactured products has higher uncertainty, resulting in lower customer purchase willingness and market acceptance. It has been considered as a bottleneck for the sustainable development of the remanufacturing industry. In response, this study aims to propose strategies that can enhance the quality of remanufactured goods, thereby stimulating consumer demand and fostering the growth of the remanufacturing sector. To achieve this objective, a two-stage model incorporating the original manufacturer, remanufacturer, and retailer was formulated, with a particular emphasis on carbon -neutral objectives. The study explores the impact of the government’s dual policy, encompassing cap-and-trade mechanisms and subsidies, on the quality-linked strategies adopted by remanufacturing enterprises.
A comparative analysis was conducted to evaluate the effects of different government subsidy approaches, considering scenarios without subsidies, subsidies to consumers, and subsidies to enterprises, all contingent on carbon emissions from enterprises. The findings of our analysis revealed that, under carbon emission limits, an increase in the government subsidy coefficient linked to carbon emissions effectively heightens consumers’ willingness to purchase remanufactured products.
This, in turn, leads to an improvement in the overall quality of remanufactured goods and an expansion of the remanufacturing industry. Notably, the impact of combining government subsidies with carbon allowance trading varies, with subsidies proving more advantageous for improving the economic and environmental efficiency of the manufacturing process as well as enhancing consumer surplus and social welfare within the industry under specific conditions of subsidy amounts and carbon emissions. The proposed model’s validity and reliability were affirmed through arithmetic simulations. In conclusion, this study presents a novel strategy aimed at improving the quality of remanufactured goods, fostering customer purchase intention, and generating a combination of economic, environmental, and social benefits for enterprises. The findings of this research offer valuable insights for the development of low-carbon legislation, serving as a guide for policymakers in the quest for sustainable manufacturing practices.
6. Characterization and health risk assessment of PM2.5-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Yangon and Mandalay of Myanmar
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 914, 1 March 2024, 170034
To better understand the potential adverse health effects of atmospheric fine particles in the Southeast Asian developing countries, PM2.5 samples were collected at two urban sites in Yangon and Mandalay, representing coastal and inland cities in Myanmar, in winter and summer during 2016 and 2017. The concentrations of 21 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in PM2.5 were determined using a gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS). The concentrations of PAHs in PM2.5 in Yangon and Mandalay ranged from 7.6 to 180 ng m−3, with an average of 72 ng m−3.
The PAHs were significantly higher in winter than in summer, and significantly higher in Mandalay than in Yangon. The health risk analysis of PAHs, based on the toxic equivalent quantity (TEQ) calculation, and the incremental lifetime cancer risk (ILCR) assessment indicated that PM2.5 in Myanmar has significant health risks with higher health risks in Mandalay compared to Yangon. Diagnostic ratios of PAHs, correlation of PAHs with other species in PM2.5 and the positive matrix factorization (PMF) analysis showed that TEQ is strongly affected by biomass burning and vehicular emissions in Myanmar. Additionally, it was found that the aging degree of aerosols and air mass trajectories had great influences on the concentration and composition of PAHs in PM2.5 in Myanmar, thereby affecting the toxicity of PM2.5.
7. Development of an ontology for construction carbon emission tracking and evaluation
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 443, 1 March 2024, 141170
Significant carbon emissions from construction sites necessitate improved management through integrating diverse data sources. Ontologies are widely employed for data integration but there is an absence of domain-specific ontologies for carbon emissions management during construction. We developed a Carbon Emission Management Ontology (CEMO) utilizing a hybrid development approach. CEMO comprises eight modules, namely Project, Quantity of Works, Environment Parameters, Agents, Equipment, Observation, KPI, and Calculation. To assess its efficacy, CEMO was evaluated by experts based on criteria such as clarity, coverage, consistency, and extensibility. The feasibility and effectiveness of CEMO were demonstrated through a case study, showcasing its utility in carbon intensity calculation and evaluation of earned carbon value. CEMO facilitates seamless integration of data from disparate sources, enabling real-time and automated management of onsite carbon emissions as well as disclosure of carbon-related information.
8. Mangrove ecosystems in Southeast Asia region: Mangrove extent, blue carbon potential and CO2 emissions in 1996–2020
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 915, 10 March 2024, 170052
This study aimed to analyze mangrove extent (ME), carbon stock, blue carbon potential, and CO2 emission from 1996 to 2020 in Southeast Asia region. The data was obtained through the Global Mangrove Alliance (GMA) on the platform v.3. Furthermore, ME was analyzed descriptively and the triggers for mangrove land changes in each country were investigated through a relevant literature review. The spatial analysis was conducted for blue carbon potential, while CO2 emission was derived by multiplying net change by emission factor (EF) of mangrove ecosystem. The results showed that the total ME in Southeast Asia was 5.07 million hectares (Mha) in 1996, decreasing to 4.82 Mha by 2020 due to various land uses, primarily shrimp farming. The total carbon stock potential was 2367.68 MtC, while a blue carbon potential was 8682.32 MtCO2-e, consisting of 1304.33 MtCO2-e and 7377.99 MtCO2-e from above-ground and soil carbon. Indonesia contributed 5939.57 MtCO2-e to blue carbon potential, while Singapore and Timor-Leste had the lowest contributions of 1.05 MtCO2-e and 1.37 MtCO2-e, respectively.
Carbon stock potential (AGC and SOC) in Southeast Asia was influenced by ME conditions. The relationship between ME and AGC was found to be exponential (AGC = 0.0307e0.8938x; R2 = 0.9331; rME-AGC = 0.9964, P < 0.01). Similarly, ME and SOC, or AGC and SOC showed a relationship where SOC = 0.2e0.8829x (R2 = 0.937, rME-SOC = 0.9965 and rAGC-SOC = 0.9989, P < 0.01). The average CO2-e emission in Southeast Asia reached 17.0760 MtCO2-e yr−1 and the largest were attributed to Indonesia at 16.3817 MtCO2-e yr−1. Meanwhile, Brunei and Timor Leste did not show CO2-e emission as mangrove in these countries absorbed more CO2 from the atmosphere at −0.034 MtCO2-e yr−1 and −0.0002 MtCO2-e yr−1, respectively.
9. Forecast of agri-residues generation from rice, wheat and oilseed crops in India using machine learning techniques: Exploring strategies for sustainable smart management
Environmental Research, Volume 245, 15 March 2024, 117993
Management of agri-residues generated in large quantities necessitates for its accurate estimation. Data analysis using machine learning methods can predict the agri-residues generation. The objective of the study was to forecast agri-residues generation from rice, wheat, and oilseed crops in India using ML methods and their sustainable uses. Prediction of agri-residues was done first by forecasting the crop production via the application of ML techniques for the period 2022 to 2030, and then the amount of crop residues generation calculated by multiplying the crop productions with the residues-to-product-ratio (RPR) values of the respective crops. RPR was estimated by using the gravimetric ratio of the residue to the actual crop production.
The crop-specific RPR values were taken from various earlier studies in Indian context. The RPR values of 1.73 for the rice, 1.65 for wheat, and 2.6 for the oilseed crop were used as a conversion factor for residues calculation. Machine learning models linear regression, sequential minimal optimization regression (SMOreg), M5 Rule, and Gaussian process were used in the study. SMOreg performed better in models tested by coefficient of determination, root mean square error, and mean absolute error. The models predicted the generation of residues in 2030 as rice straw and husk 195.76 Mt to 277.68 Mt, wheat straw 188.62 Mt to 266.95 Mt, and oilseed stalk and oil cakes 55.61 Mt to 96.30 Mt in India. An overview of the management of agri-residues discussed. Estimation of agri-residues can provide an opportunity to utilize them with the best possible ways, lessen pollution and promote a zero-waste strategy.
10. Policy implications for synergistic management of PM2.5 and O3 pollution from a pattern-process-sustainability perspective in China
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 916, 15 March 2024, 170210
In recent years, the pattern of air pollution in China has changed profoundly, and PM2.5 and surface ozone (O3) have become the main air pollutants affecting the air quality of cities and regions in China. The synergistic control of the two has become the key to the sustainable improvement of air quality in China. In this study, we investigated and analyzed the spatial and temporal distribution patterns, exposure health risks, key drivers, and sustainable characteristics of PM2.5 and O3 concentrations in China from 2013 to 2022 at the national and city cluster scales by combining methodological models such as spatial statistics, trend analysis, exposure-response function, Hurst index, and multi-scale geographically weighted regression (MGWR) model.
Ultimately, a synergistic management system for PM2.5 and O3 pollution was proposed. The results showed that: (1) The PM2.5 concentration decreased at a rate of 1.45 μg/m3 per year (p < 0.05), while the O3 concentration increased at a rate of 2.54 μg/m3 per year (p < 0.05). The trends of the two concentrations showed significant differences in spatial distribution. (2) Population exposure risks to pollutants showed an increasing trend, with PM2.5 and O3 increasing by 55.1 % and 42.7 %, respectively. The annual deaths associated with exposure to PM2.5 and O3 demonstrated a decreasing and inverted U-shaped trend, respectively, with annual average deaths of 1.312 million and 98,000. Significant regional disparities in health risks from these pollutants were influenced by socio-economic factors such as industrial activities and population density.
In the future, it is expected that more than half of China’s regions will be exposed to rising risks of PM2.5 and O3 population exposure. (3) Key drivers of regional exacerbation in PM2.5 and O3 levels include the number of industrial enterprises above designated size (NSIE) and population agglomeration (PA), while the disposable income of urban residents (URDI), technological innovation (TI), and government attention level (GAL) emerged as primary factors in controlling pollution hotspots, ranked in order of influence from greatest to least as TI > GAL > URDI. Overall, this study sheds light on the current status of air pollution and health risk sustainability in China and enhances the understanding of future air pollution dynamics in China. The results of the study may help to develop effective targeted control measures to synergize the management of PM2.5 and O3 in different regions.
11. Including land management in a European carbon model with lateral transfer to the oceans
Environmental Research, Volume 245, 15 March 2024, 118014
The use of cover crops (CCs) is a promising cropland management practice with multiple benefits, notably in reducing soil erosion and increasing soil organic carbon (SOC) storage. However, the current ability to represent these factors in land surface models remains limited to small scales or simplified and lumped approaches due to the lack of a sediment-carbon erosion displacement scheme. This precludes a thorough understanding of the consequences of introducing a CC into agricultural systems. In this work, this problem was addressed in two steps with the spatially distributed CE-DYNAM model. First, the historical effect of soil erosion, transport, and deposition on the soil carbon budget at a continental scale in Europe was characterized since the early industrial era, using reconstructed climate and land use forcings.
Then, the impact of two distinct policy-oriented scenarios for the introduction of CCs were evaluated, covering the European cropping systems where surface erosion rates or nitrate susceptibility are critical. The evaluation focused on the increase in SOC storage and the export of particulate organic carbon (POC) to the oceans, compiling a continental-scale carbon budget. The results indicated that Europe exported 1.95 TgC/year of POC to the oceans in the last decade, and that CCs can contribute to reducing this amount while increasing SOC storage.
Compared to the simulation without CCs, the additional rate of SOC storage induced by CCs peaked after 10 years of their adoption, followed by a decrease, and the cumulative POC export reduction stabilized after around 13 years. The findings indicate that the impacts of CCs on SOC and reduced POC export are persistent regardless of their spatial allocation adopted in the scenarios. Together, the results highlight the importance of taking the temporal aspect of CC adoption into account and indicate that CCs alone are not sufficient to meet the targets of the 4‰ initiative. Despite some known model limitations, which include the lack of feedback of erosion on the net primary productivity and the representation of carbon fluxes with an emulator, the current work constitutes the first approach to successfully couple a distributed routing scheme of eroded carbon to a land carbon model emulator at a reasonably high resolution and continental scale.
12. Mangrove ecosystems in Southeast Asia region: Mangrove extent, blue carbon potential and CO2 emissions in 1996–2020
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 915, 10 March 2024, 170052
This study aimed to analyze mangrove extent (ME), carbon stock, blue carbon potential, and CO2 emission from 1996 to 2020 in Southeast Asia region. The data was obtained through the Global Mangrove Alliance (GMA) on the platform v.3. Furthermore, ME was analyzed descriptively and the triggers for mangrove land changes in each country were investigated through a relevant literature review. The spatial analysis was conducted for blue carbon potential, while CO2 emission was derived by multiplying net change by emission factor (EF) of mangrove ecosystem. The results showed that the total ME in Southeast Asia was 5.07 million hectares (Mha) in 1996, decreasing to 4.82 Mha by 2020 due to various land uses, primarily shrimp farming.
The total carbon stock potential was 2367.68 MtC, while a blue carbon potential was 8682.32 MtCO2-e, consisting of 1304.33 MtCO2-e and 7377.99 MtCO2-e from above-ground and soil carbon. Indonesia contributed 5939.57 MtCO2-e to blue carbon potential, while Singapore and Timor-Leste had the lowest contributions of 1.05 MtCO2-e and 1.37 MtCO2-e, respectively. Carbon stock potential (AGC and SOC) in Southeast Asia was influenced by ME conditions. The relationship between ME and AGC was found to be exponential (AGC = 0.0307e0.8938x; R2 = 0.9331; rME-AGC = 0.9964, P < 0.01). Similarly, ME and SOC, or AGC and SOC showed a relationship where SOC = 0.2e0.8829x (R2 = 0.937, rME-SOC = 0.9965 and rAGC-SOC = 0.9989, P < 0.01). The average CO2-e emission in Southeast Asia reached 17.0760 MtCO2-e yr−1 and the largest were attributed to Indonesia at 16.3817 MtCO2-e yr−1. Meanwhile, Brunei and Timor Leste did not show CO2-e emission as mangrove in these countries absorbed more CO2 from the atmosphere at −0.034 MtCO2-e yr−1 and −0.0002 MtCO2-e yr−1, respectively.
13. A systematic review of coastal zone integrated waste management for sustainability strategies
Environmental Research, Volume 245, 15 March 2024, 117968
Coastal areas stand out because of their rich biodiversity and high tourist potential due to their privileged geographical position. However, one of the main problems in these areas is the generation of waste and its management, which must consider technical and sustainable criteria. This work aims to conduct a systematic review of the scientific literature on integrated solid waste management (ISWM) by considering scientific publications on the scientific basis for the proposal of sustainability strategies in the context of use and efficiency. The overall method comprises i) Search strategy, merging and processing of the databases (Scopus and Web of Science); ii) Evolution of coastal zone waste management; iii) Systematic reviews on coastal landfills and ISWM in the context of the circular economy; and iv) Quantitative synthesis in integrated waste management.
The results show 282 studies focused on coastal landfills and 59 papers on ISWM with the application of circular economy criteria. Systematic reviews allowed for the definition of criteria for the selection of favorable sites, such as i) sites far from the coastline, ii) impermeable soils at their base to avoid contamination of aquifers, iii) use of remote sensing and geographic information system tools for continuous monitoring, iv) mitigation of possible contamination of ecosystems, v) planning the possibility of restoration (reforestation) and protection of the environment. In coastal zones, it is necessary to apply the ISWM approach to avoid landfill flooding and protect the marine environment, reducing rubbish and waste on beaches and oceans. Therefore, applying the circular economy in ISWM is critical to sustainability in coastal environments, with the planet’s natural processes and variations due to climate change.
14. Water pollution scenarios and response options for China
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 914, 1 March 2024, 169807
China has formulated several policies to alleviate the water pollution load, but few studies have quantitatively analyzed their impacts on future water pollution loads in China. Based on grey water footprint (GWF) assessment and scenario simulation, we analyze the water pollution (including COD, NH3-N, TN and TP) in China from 2021 to 2035 under different scenarios for three areas: consumption-side, production-side and terminal treatment. We find that under the current policy scenario, the GWF of COD, NH3-N, TN, and TP in China could be reduced by 15.0 % to 39.9 %; the most effective measures for GWF reduction are diet structure change (in the consumption-side area), and the wastewater treatment rate and livestock manure utilization improvement (in the terminal treatment area).
However, the GWF will still increase in 8 provinces, indicating that the current implemented policy is not universally effective in reducing GWF across all provinces. Under the technical improvement scenario, the GWF of the four pollutants will decrease by 54.9 %–71.1 % via improvements in the current measures related to current policies and new measures in the production-side area and the terminal treatment area; thus, GWF reduction is possible in all 31 provinces. However, some policies face significant challenges in achieving full implementation, and certain policies are only applicable to a subset of provinces. Our detailed analysis of future water pollution scenarios and response options to reduce pollution loads can help to inform the protection of freshwater resources in China and quantitatively assess the effectiveness of policies in other fields.
15. Ecological resilience of city clusters in the middle reaches of Yangtze river
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 443, 1 March 2024, 141082
As sustainable development has become a trending consensus, urban ecological resilience is now a significant metric for assessing the extent of urban ecological advancement. In view of the critical roles for promoting coordinated regional development, this research evaluates the ecological resilience of 28 cities in city clusters in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River from 2009 to 2020 using the entropy weight method and analyzes the spatio-temporal evolution pattern of ecological resilience.
This study uses the Moran index and the spatial Durbin model to explore the spatial correlation of ecological resilience as well as the influencing factors and presents the following conclusions. First, ecological resilience appears to be on an upward trend in time, spatially characterized by a transition from higher resilience in the east region to lower resilience in the west region. Second, spatial autocorrelation in ecological resilience exhibits a positive relationship. Most cities in Jiangxi Province are high-high agglomerative cities, while most cities in Hunan and Hubei Provinces are low-low homogeneous cities and high-low polarized cities, respectively. Third, given that population density, economic development, and financial development negatively affect ecological resilience, government green investment has a positive effect and positive spatial spillovers. Based on the findings, this paper offers targeted policy recommendations on how cities can improve urban ecological resilience.
16. Soil, climate, and landscape drivers of base cation concentrations in green stormwater infrastructure soils
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 914, 1 March 2024, 169907
Deicing practices and infrastructure weathering can impact plants, soil, and water quality through the input and transport of base cations. Base cation accumulation in green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) soils has the potential to decrease soil infiltration rates and plant water uptake or to promote leaching of metals and nutrients. To understand base cation retention in GSI soils and its drivers, we sampled 14 GSI soils of different age, contributing areas, and infiltration areas, across 3 years. We hypothesized that soil, climate, and landscape drivers explain the spatial and temporal variability of GSI soil base cation concentrations. Sodium (Na), Calcium (Ca), and Magnesium (Mg) concentrations in GSI soils were higher than in reference soils, while Ca and Mg were similar to an urban floodplain soil. Neither the contributing area, contributing impervious area, nor their ratios to infiltration area predicted base cation concentrations.
Age predicted the spatial variability of Potassium (K) concentrations. Ca and Mg were moderately predicted by sand and silt, while clay predicted Mg, and sand predicted K. However, no soil characteristics predicted Na concentrations. A subset of sites had elevated Na in Fall 2019, which followed a winter with many freezing events and higher-than-average deicer salt application. K in sites with elevated Na was lower than in non-elevated sites, suggesting that transient spikes of Na driven by deicer salt decreased the ability of GSI soils to accumulate K. These findings demonstrate the large variability of GSI soil base cation concentrations and the relative importance of soil, climate, and landscape drivers of base cation dynamics. High variability in GSI soil data is commonly observed and further research is needed to reduce uncertainties for modeling studies and design. Improved understanding of how GSI soil properties evolve over time, and their relation to GSI performance, will benefit GSI design and maintenance practices.
1. Municipal solid waste management for low-carbon transition: A systematic review of artificial neural network applications for trend prediction
Environmental Pollution, Volume 344, 1 March 2024, 123386
Improper municipal solid waste (MSW) management contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, necessitating emissions reduction strategies such as waste reduction, recycling, and composting to move towards a more sustainable, low-carbon future. Machine learning models are applied for MSW-related trend prediction to provide insights on future waste generation or carbon emissions trends and assist the formulation of effective low-carbon policies. Yet, the existing machine learning models are diverse and scattered. This inconsistency poses challenges for researchers in the MSW domain who seek to identify and optimize the machine learning techniques and configurations for their applications. This systematic review focuses on MSW-related trend prediction using the most frequently applied machine learning model, artificial neural network (ANN), while addressing potential methodological improvements for reducing prediction uncertainty.
Thirty-two papers published from 2013 to 2023 are included in this review, all applying ANN for MSW-related trend prediction. Observing a decrease in the size of data samples used in studies from daily to annual timescales, the summarized statistics suggest that well-performing ANN models can still be developed with approximately 33 annual data samples. This indicates promising opportunities for modeling macroscale greenhouse gas emissions in future works. Existing literature commonly used the grid search (manual) technique for hyperparameter (e.g., learning rate, number of neurons) optimization and should explore more time-efficient automated optimization techniques. Since there are no one-size-fits-all performance indicators, it is crucial to report the model’s predictive performance based on more than one performance indicator and examine its uncertainty. The predictive performance of newly-developed integrated models should also be benchmarked to show performance improvement clearly and promote similar applications in future works. The review analyzed the shortcomings, best practices, and prospects of ANNs for MSW-related trend predictions, supporting the realization of practical applications of ANNs to enhance waste management practices and reduce carbon emissions.
2. Bacterial communities of planktonic bacteria and mature biofilm in service lines and premise plumbing of a Megacity: Composition, Diversity, and influencing factors
Environment International, Volume 185, March 2024, 108538
Although simulated studies have provided valuable knowledge regarding the communities of planktonic bacteria and biofilms, the lack of systematic field studies have hampered the understanding of microbiology in real-world service lines and premise plumbing. In this study, the bacterial communities of water and biofilm were explored, with a special focus on the lifetime development of biofilm communities and their key influencing factors. The 16S rRNA gene sequencing results showed that both the planktonic bacteria and biofilm were dominated by Proteobacteria. Among the 15,084 observed amplicon sequence variants (ASVs), the 33 core ASVs covered 72.8 %, while the 12 shared core ASVs accounted for 62.2 % of the total sequences. Remarkably, it was found that the species richness and diversity of biofilm communities correlated with pipe age.
The relative abundance of ASV2 (f_Sphingomonadaceae) was lower for pipe ages 40–50 years (7.9 %) than for pipe ages 10–20 years (59.3 %), while the relative abundance of ASV10 (f_Hyphomonadaceae) was higher for pipe ages 40–50 years (19.5 %) than its presence at pipe ages 20–30 years (1.9 %). The community of the premise plumbing biofilm had significantly higher species richness and diversity than that of the service line, while the steel-plastics composite pipe interior lined with polyethylene (S-PE) harbored significantly more diverse biofilm than the galvanized steel pipes (S-Zn). Interestingly, S-PE was enriched with ASV27 (g_Mycobacterium), while S-Zn pipes were enriched with ASV13 (g_Pseudomonas). Moreover, the network analysis showed that five rare ASVs, not core ASVs, were keystone members in biofilm communities, indicating the importance of rare members in the function and stability of biofilm communities. This manuscript provides novel insights into real-world service lines and premise plumbing microbiology, regarding lifetime dynamics (pipe age 10–50 years), and the influences of pipe types (premise plumbing vs. service line) and pipe materials (S-Zn vs. S-PE).
3. Influence of a large commercial airport on the ultrafine particle number concentration in a distant residential area under different wind conditions and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
Environmental Pollution, Volume 345, 15 March 2024, 123390
Exposure to ultrafine particles has a significant influence on human health. In regions with large commercial airports, air traffic and ground operations can represent a potential particle source. The particle number concentration was measured in a low-traffic residential area about 7 km from Frankfurt Airport with a Condensation Particle Counter in a long-term study. In addition, the particle number size distribution was determined using a Fast Mobility Particle Sizer.
The particle number concentrations showed high variations over the entire measuring period and even within a single day. A maximum 24 h-mean of 24,120 cm−3 was detected. Very high particle number concentrations were in particular measured when the wind came from the direction of the airport. In this case, the particle number size distribution showed a maximum in the particle size range between 5 and 15 nm. Particles produced by combustion in jet engines typically have this size range and a high potential to be deposited in the alveoli. During a period with high air traffic volume, significantly higher particle number concentrations could be measured than during a period with low air traffic volume, as in the COVID-19 pandemic.
A large commercial airport thus has the potential to lead to a high particle number concentration even in a distant residential area. Due to the high particle number concentrations, the critical particle size, and strong concentration fluctuations, long-term measurements are essential for a realistic exposure analysis.
4. Tree species classification improves the estimation of BVOCs from urban greenspace
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 914, 1 March 2024, 169762
Accurate estimation of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) emissions from urban plants is important as BVOCs affect the formation of secondary pollutants and human health. However, uncertainties exist for the estimation of BVOCs emissions from urban greenspace due to the lack of tree species classification with high spatial resolution. Here, we generated a tree species classification dataset with 10 m resolution to estimate tree species-level BVOCs emissions and quantify their impact on air quality in Shenzhen in southern China.
The results showed that for the entire city, the BVOCs emissions based on traditional plant functional types (PFTs) dataset were substantially underestimated compared with the tree species classification data (6.37 kt versus 8.23 kt, with 22.60 % difference).
The underestimation is particularly prominent in urban built-up areas, where our estimation was 1.65 kt, nearly twice of that based on PFTs data (0.86 kt). BVOCs estimation in built-up areas contributed approximately 20.07 % to the total. These BVOCs contributed substantially to the increase of ambient O3, but had limited impacts to ambient fine particulate matter (PM2.5). Our results underscore the importance of high spatial resolution tree species-level classification in more accurate estimation of BVOCs, especially in highly developed urban areas. The enhanced understanding of the patterns of BVOCs emissions by urban trees and the impact on secondary pollutants can better support fine-scale tree planning and management for livable environments in urban areas.
5. Editorial: Sustainable transition in textile and apparel industry
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 443, 1 March 2024, 141081
The textile and apparel (T&A) industry is widely recognized as a fundamental sector of the global economy, contributing significantly to employment opportunities and economic growth in low and middleincome countries (Eppinger, 2022). Moreover, it plays a pivotal role in augmenting household income and enhancing accessibility to affordable clothing products for economically disadvantaged households (Eppinger, 2022). However, the rapid expansion of the T&A industry has also given rise to sustainability challenges. The T&A industry is the one of the most challenging sectors in terms of sustainable development (Millward-Hopkins et al., 2023).
Within this industry, the product life cycle is characterised by brevity, while the global supply chain remains fragmented, with differentiation advantages primarily rooted in product style (Tumpa et al., 2019). The production processes involved in textiles entail substantial energy consumption and employ chemicals that pose significant environmental pollution challenges (Reike et al., 2023). Specifically, the annual textile manufacturing consumes a staggering volume of 79 trillion liters of water, contributing to approximately 20% of industrial water pollution.
Moreover, it exerts immense pressure on land use, biodiversity loss, and excessive fertilizer application (Millward-Hopkins et al., 2023). Consequently, it is imperative for organisations in the T&A industry to comprehensively address sustainable issues and undertake a sustainable transition in order to promote overall sustainability within the industry. For instance, textile organisations tend to adopt decarbonization practices aimed at reducing carbon emissions throughout their supply chains (Guo et al., 2023). Additionally, they prioritize transitioning from a linear business model to a circular one, thereby extending product life cycles and enhancing the recycling of second-hand clothing (Hartley et al., 2022). Furthermore, these organisations value new production technologies and information communication technologies as means of upgrading both production and
distribution stages within the textile supply chain (Karmaker et al., 2023). Such transition is motivated by the organisational internal stakeholder requirement (Shamsuzzaman et al., 2023), and external environmental pressure (Bressanelli et al., 2022), collaboration among stakeholders (Li et al., 2020), and technology innovations (Karmaker et al., 2023). Meanwhile, the sustainable transition in the T&A industry encounters various barriers including financial, organisational, technological issues (Kazancoglu et al., 2021). Fig. 1 demonstrates the sustainable transition in the T&A industry. Such a transition is driven by internal and external pressures, stakeholder collaboration, and technology adoption. In the T&A industry, organisations tend to embrace decarbonization, circular economy principles, and novel technologies as means to achieve sustainability.
Additionally, this study also highlights the barriers hindering the sustainable transition in textiles and apparel sector. Despite an increasing emphasis on sustainable development within this field, most studies primarily propose theoretical approaches and strategies pertaining to renewable raw material sourcing, production reevaluation, maximal utilization and reuse of textile products, reproduction techniques, and recycling methods (Brydges, 2021), thereby lacking practical applicability and implications. The rest of this editorial is structured as follows: Section 2 presents a review of the relevant literature on sustainable transition in T&A industry. Section 3 summarizes the 13 studies in this special issue and their main contributions. Section 4 discusses the implications and conclusions. The objective of this special issue is to compile state-of-the-art studies that explore knowledge pertaining to sustainable transition in the T&A industry, while also identifying relevant opportunities, barriers, and challenges associated with achieving such a transition.
6. Study on the Co-gasification characteristics of biomass and municipal solid waste based on machine learning
Energy, Volume 290, 1 March 2024, 130178
Co-gasification of biomass and municipal solid waste (MSW) exhibits synergistic effects by improving the quality of syngas while reducing environmental pollution from MSW. In this study, Machine learning (ML) techniques were employed to investigate the co-gasification process of biomass and MSW. A comprehensive dataset was constructed using existing data, including different feedstock types and operating conditions, with 18 input features and 9 output features. Four advanced ML models were utilized to model and analyze the co-gasification process. By leveraging feedstock characteristics and operating parameters, key gasification parameters such as syngas composition, lower heating value (LHV) of syngas, tar yield, and carbon conversion efficiency were predicted.
The results showed that all four models exhibited excellent predictive performance, with R2 values greater than 0.9 in both the training and testing stage. Specifically, Histogram-based gradient boosting regression (HGBR) exhibited the lowest root mean square error (RMSE) in predicting CO, while the gradient boosting regressor (GBR) achieved the best performance in H2 prediction with a RMSE of 1.6. The most influential input features for CO concentration were equivalence ratio (ER), oxygen content in biomass and hydrogen content in biomass. The key features affecting H2 concentration were steam/fuel and ER.
7. Effects of personal noise exposure, sleep quality, and burnout on quality of life: An online participation cohort study in Taiwan
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 915, 10 March 2024, 169985
Chronic noise exposure in daily life not only causes physical and mental illness but also reduces quality of life. However, collecting objective data on sound exposure and subjective acoustic comfort through a traditional one-shot survey is difficult. This study applied online chatbots in social media to explore the effects of daily sound exposure, personal characteristics, noise sensitivity, burnout status, and sleep quality on quality of life using a short-term participatory cohort design. During the two-month survey in 2022, 207 participants completed at least 15 days of collection of data on sound exposure and perception, as well as periodic structural questionnaires during the follow-ups. Linear regression and generalized linear models were applied to explore the factors influencing personal burnout, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, and quality of life.
A chain mediation model was applied to explore the direct and indirect effects of noise exposure on quality of life. The results showed a better quality of life among respondents who rated their home environment better, were in good health, had better daily acoustic comfort, and were less exposed to noise during the week. In contrast, respondents with lower daily acoustic comfort and a higher frequency of noise-induced sleep disturbances and mood disorders were more likely to have poorer sleep quality. A higher personal burnout was associated with poorer health, longer exposure to noise during the week, a higher frequency of noise-induced illnesses, and neurotic traits. In the mediation analyses, noise-induced sleep disturbance and better daily acoustic comfort also had important direct influences on quality of life compared to the indirect pathway through sleep quality and personal burnout. In conclusion, noise exposure in daily life not only exacerbated poor sleep quality and personal burnout but also reduced quality of life.
8. Synergistic evolution of water-energy-food system resilience and efficiency in urban agglomerations
Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 355, March 2024, 120371
With increasing internal and external risks to the WEF system, a single emphasis on efficiency or a lopsided pursuit of resilience can lead to difficulties in adapting to complex changes and resource redundancy. Revealing the synergistic evolutionary characteristics between efficiency and resilience of the WEF system is an effective method to deal with systemic internal and external risks. However, the current study of the WEF system lacks a synergistic perspective on resilience and efficiency.
Thus, taking Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle (CCEC) as the research object and its geospatial boundary as the system boundary, this paper adopted the entropy-topsis model to evaluate the WEF resilience, and applied the super-efficient SBM model to measure the WEF efficiency accurately, which fully considered the non-expected outputs in the process of resource utilization. Then, applying the development coordination degree model, the synergistic relationship between the two was measured.
The results indicated that: the average value of WEF resilience in CCEC increased from 0.414 to 0.485 and showed spatial characteristics of west>east>central. The WEF efficiency interval was 0.79–0.93, and cities with average WEF efficiency reaching the effective production frontier accounted for only 37.5%. The clustered distribution of the synergy levels intensified. The number of cities with primary, medium, more advanced, and advanced levels was 6, 6, 1, and 3, respectively, with primary and medium synergy levels dominating. The findings suggest that cities should strengthen regional exchanges and formulate targeted measures based on their own situations. In addition, CCEC should possess a comprehensive understanding of the interdependencies and conflicts that arise between resilience and efficiency throughout the decision-making procedure.
9. Construction of a cold island network for the urban heat island effect mitigation
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 915, 10 March 2024, 169950
The urban heat island (UHI) effect seriously challenges sustainable urban development strategies and livability. Numerous studies have explored the UHI problem from the perspective of isolated blue and green patches, ignoring the overall function of cold island networks. This study aims to explore the construction method of cold island network by integrating scattered cold island resources, rationally guiding urban planning and construction, and providing effective ideas and methods for improving the urban thermal environment. Taking the central city of Fuzhou as an example, the identification of the cold island core source (CICS) was optimized by applying relative land surface temperature (LST), morphological spatial pattern analysis, and landscape connectivity analysis.
The combined resistance surface was constructed based on a spatial principal component analysis. Subsequently, the cold island network was constructed by applying circuit theory and identifying the key nodes. The results showed that the central and eastern parts of the study area experienced the most significant UHI effects and there was a tendency for them to cluster. Overall, 48 core sources, 104 corridors, 89 cooling nodes, and 34 heating nodes were identified. The average LST of the CICSs was 28.43 °C, significantly lower than the average LST of the entire study area (31.50 °C), and the 104 cold corridors were classified into three categories according to their importance. Different targeting measures should be adopted for the cooling and heating nodes to maintain the stability of the cold island network and prevent the formation of a heat network. Finally, we suggest a model for urban cold island network construction and explore methods for mitigating issues with UHI to achieve proactive and organized adaptation and mitigation of thermal environmental risks in urban areas, as well as to encourage sustainable urban development.
10. Preparation of functional geopolymers from municipal solid waste incineration fly ash: An approach combining experimental and computational simulation studies
Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 355, March 2024, 120226
This study aims to evaluate the feasibility and safety of using municipal solid waste incineration fly ash (MSW-IFA) in the development of geopolymer-based solidification/stabilization (S/S) treatments. Geopolymers have garnered attention as a sustainable alternative to traditional cement, owing to their high strength, stability, and minimal CO2 emissions. In this study, a combination of experimental and simulation calculations was used to investigate the setting time, mechanical properties, environmental risks, hydration mechanisms and processes of municipal solid waste incineration fly ash-based polymeric functional cementitious materials (GFCM).
The results demonstrate that the mechanical properties of GFCM are related to the changes in the mineral phases and the degree of compactness. Quantum chemical calculations indicate that the hydration products may be [Si(OH)4], [Al(OH)3(OH2)] and [Al(OH)4]-. It is possible that the heavy metals are embedded in the hydrated silica-aluminate by electrostatic interaction or chemisorption. Heavy metals may be embedded in hydrated silica-aluminate by electrostatic action or chemisorption. This study provides a feasible method for resource utilization and heavy metal stabilization mechanism of MSW-IFA.
11. Emerging organic compounds as markers of the degradation of groundwater qualitative and quantitative equilibrium in a context of rapid urban expansion
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 915, 10 March 2024, 170068
With the neo-metamorphosis of the residential landscape worldwide and sluggish sanitation strategies in urban environments, rudimentary on-site sanitation systems remain commonly used, especially in developing countries, despite the risks of groundwater contamination. The effective management of such water resources relies on assessment of the sensitivity of anthropized aquifers to man-made impact, including groundwater behavioural alteration, in terms of both quality and quantity. Associated with tracking of changes in land use, this study proposes an approach involving emerging organic contaminants (EOCs) as indicators of the alteration of groundwater balance due the exposure of shallow aquifers to the risks of infiltration of untreated wastewater from soak pits. This methodology was applied to the shallow aquifer beneath the urban agglomeration of Grand-Sfax (Tunisia). Combined with an updated follow-up of groundwater piezometric fluctuations in relation with inputs from surface contamination sources, the spatialisation of contamination levels by EOCs provided a clear delineation of the most impacted aquifer zones.
This approach revealed a significant link between the continuous rise in piezometric levels by contributions from untreated inputs and the accumulation of high levels of contamination in groundwater. The understanding of EOC underground pathways allowed the determination of the fates and processes responsible for the diffusion of contamination throughout the studied aquifer. The ability of groundwater to reflect population life style and the use patterns of such organic molecules was also assessed. Besides revealing the legacy of persistent contamination, this approach involving EOCs as tracers with different levels of persistence provided a spatial observation of the aquifer exposure to continuous contamination processes. This approach made it possible to develop a conceptual presentation of aquifer vulnerability to urban pressures and to predict the effects of subsequent expansion of unplanned urbanisation on groundwater quality.
12. Analysis on the impact of smart city construction on urban greenness in China’s megacities
Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 355, March 2024, 120568
Urban greenness serves as a key indicator of sustainable urban development, with smart city construction emerging as a primary strategy for its enhancement. However, there is little empirical evidence considering multi-dimension between urban greenness and smart city construction on the city level. This study focuses on the impact on urban greenness of smart city construction in megacities, using the difference-in-differences regression model to evaluate the impact based on urban development conditions in various aspects from 2010 to 2021 in 10 megacities in China.
The results of panel data of different indicator samples show unique conclusions. First, smart city pilot policy in megacities has significant impact on urban greenness, primarily due to demographic and economic developments. Second, the impact is different between the megacity and national level, and different factors of urban greenness have different effects on smart city construction. Third, the effects are time-lagged and lasted for years, and regional heterogeneity divided by building climate zones is existed, where the effect is more obvious in city agglomeration. These findings of smart city construction reveal the unique influences on megacity greenness, and can be generalized to cities with similar characteristics accordingly.
13. Response of organic aerosol in Beijing to emission reductions during the XXIV Olympic Winter Games
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 914, 1 March 2024, 170033
Organic aerosol (OA) serves as a crucial component of fine particulate matter. However, the response of OA to changes in anthropogenic emissions remains unclear due to its complexity. The XXIV Olympic Winter Games (OWG) provided real atmospheric experimental conditions on studying the response of OA to substantial emission reductions in winter. Here, we explored the sources and variations of OA based on the observation of aerosol mass spectrometer (AMS) combined with positive matrix factorization (PMF) analysis in urban Beijing during the 2022 Olympic Winter Games. The influences of meteorological conditions on OA concentrations were corrected by CO and verified by deweathered model.
The CO-normalized primary OA (POA) concentrations from traffic, cooking, coal and biomass burning during the OWG decreased by 39.8 %, 23.2 % and 65.0 %, respectively. Measures controlling coal and biomass burning were most effective in reducing POA during the OWG. For the CO-normalized concentration of secondary OA (SOA), aqueous-phase related oxygenated OA decreased by 51.8 % due to the lower relative humidity and emission reduction in precursors, while the less oxidized‑oxygenated OA even slightly increased as the enhanced atmospheric oxidation processes may partially offset the efficacy of emission control. Therefore, more targeted reduction of organic precursors shall be enhanced to lower atmospheric oxidation capacity and mitigate SOA pollution.
14. Greenery planning for urban air pollution control based on biomonitoring potential: Explicit emphasis on foliar accumulation of particulate matter (PM) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)
Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 355, March 2024, 120524
In this study, efficiencies of eight indigenous plants of Baishnabghata Patuli Township (BPT), southeast Kolkata, India, were explored as green barrier species and potentials of plant leaves were exploited for biomonitoring of particulate matter (PM) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The present work focused on studying PM capturing abilities (539.32−2766.27 μg cm−2) of plants (T. divaricata, N. oleander and B. acuminata being the most efficient species in retaining PM) along with the estimation of foliar contents of PM adhered to leaf surfaces (total sPM (large + coarse): 526.59−2731.76 μg cm−2) and embedded within waxes (total wPM (large + coarse): 8.73−34.51 μg cm−2). SEM imaging used to analyse leaf surfaces affirmed the presence of innate corrugated microstructures as main drivers for particle capture.
Accumulation capacities of PAHs of vehicular origin (total index, TI > 4) were compared among the species based on measured concentrations (159.92−393.01 μg g−1) which indicated T. divaricata, P. alba and N. cadamba as highest PAHs accumulators. Specific leaf area (SLA) of plants (71.01−376.79 cm2 g−1), a measure of canopy−atmosphere interface, had great relevance in PAHs diffusion. Relative contribution (>90%) of 4–6 ring PAHs to total carcinogenic equivalent and potential as well as 5−6 ring PAHs to total mutagenic equivalent and potential had also been viewed with respect to benzo[a]pyrene. In−depth analysis of foliar traits and adoption of plant−based ranking strategies (air pollution tolerance index (APTI) and anticipated performance index (API)) provided a rationale for green belting. Each of the naturally selected plant species showed evidences of adaptations during abiotic stress to maximize survival and filtering effects for reductive elimination of ambient PM and PAHs, allowing holistic management of green spaces.
15. Stabilization of heavy metals in municipal solid waste incineration fly ash using organic chelating agents: Insight into risk assessment and function mechanism
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 914, 1 March 2024, 169986
Landfill treatment of municipal solid waste incineration fly ash (MSWI FA) after stabilization is the primary disposal technology. However, only few studies have assessed the stability of MSWI-FA-chelated products in different landfill scenarios. In this study, three commonly used dithiocarbamate (DTC)-based organic chelating agents (CAs) (TS-300, SDD, and PD) were selected to stabilize heavy metals (HMs) in MSWI FA. In addition, the leaching toxicity and environmental risks of the chelated products were assessed in different disposal environments.
The results demonstrate that the HM leaching concentrations of the chelated products met the concentration limits of the sanitary landfill standard (GB16889–2008; mixed Landfill Scenario) for the three CAs at a low additive level (0.3 %). However, in the compartmentalized landfill scenario (the leaching agent was acid rain), the leaching of HMs from the chelated products met the standard when TS-300, SDD, and PD were added at 1.5 %, 6.0 %, and 8.0 %, respectively. Additionally, Pb, Zn, and Cd in the chelated products from the 1.5 %-TS-300 and 6.0 %-SDD groups met the leaching limits within the pH ranges 6–12 and 7–12, 6–12 and 7–12, and 8–12 and 8–12, respectively.
This was primarily due of TS-300’s multiple DTC groups forming stable chain-like macromolecular chelates with Pb. However, although the environmental risks associated with Pb, Zn, and Cd in the initial (0-d) chelated products of the 1.5 %-TS-300 and 6.0 %-SDD groups were minimized to low and negligible levels, there was a significant increase in the leaching of the three HMs after 28 d of storage. Therefore, with appropriate CA addition, although the leaching concentration of HMs in the chelated product may comply with the GB16889–2008 standards, it remains essential to consider its environmental risk, particularly in highly acidic or alkaline environments and during prolonged storage of the product.
16. Comparison of the properties of phenolic resin synthesized from different aldehydes and evaluation of the release and health risks of VOCs
Environmental Pollution, Volume 344, 1 March 2024, 123419
Different amounts of glyoxal and paraformaldehyde were used to synthesize phenol-glyoxal (PG) and phenol-paraformaldehyde (PPF) resins, which were compared with conventional phenol-formaldehyde (PF) resins. Glyoxal oxidation leads to a pH value of 9.83 for PG 2.2. With the addition of polyformaldehyde, PPF 2.2 exhibited the highest viscosity at 17333.33 mPa s. The PPF 2.0 plywood has a maximum bonding strength of 1.94 MPa. The formaldehyde emission of PG 1.8 plywood is found to have a minimum value of 0.025 mg/m3, reaching the ENF limit (≤0.025 mg/m3). Acetaldehyde is found only in volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from PG plywood and is associated with increased glyoxal.
PPF plywood emitted more aromatic and total VOC (TVOC) than the other two plywood types. The measured TVOC for PPF 2.2 is 196.07 μg/m3. The results showed that the total cancer risk (TCR) values of PPF 1.8, PPF 2.0, and PG 1.8 were above the threshold of 1.00E-4, indicating a definite carcinogenic risk. Acetaldehyde in the PG plywood exceeded the safety threshold for noncarcinogenic risk. The use of paraformaldehyde in the wood-based panel production is been considered a possible means of improving the bonding strength of plywood. Glyoxal has also been shown to be a viable method for lowering the formaldehyde emissions from plywood. The VOC emissions from plywood changed significantly depending on the aldehyde used. Limiting VOCs that present high health hazards is crucial for reducing the negative impact of plywood on both indoor environments and human health.
1. Severe photochemical pollution was found in large petrochemical complexes: A typical case study in North China
Environmental Pollution, Volume 344, 1 March 2024, 123343
Large petrochemical complex (PC) widely exists in both developing and developed countries, and is expected to have a special photochemical pollution in local scale due to huge VOCs emissions. Here, a typical large-scale PC in North China was selected as the study case, to explore the character, formation and influence of local photochemical pollution regarding PCs based on an improved 0-D chemical model. In the study PC, VOCs-rich character was apparent with THCs level of 90.8 ± 28.0 ppb and THCs/NOx ratio of ∼26.2 mol/mol. Severe O pollution in this PC was attributed to high precursors rather than to unfavorable meteorology, and was more sensitive to NOx (with response of 1.42 g/g) than to THCs (with response of 0.12 g/g). The photochemical pollution formation potential of the emission plumes of this PC was very enormous, with production rate of 19.6 ppb h
2. Influence of global warming and industrialization on coral reefs: A 600-year record of elemental changes in the Eastern Red Sea
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 914, 1 March 2024, 169984
The Red Sea has been recognized as a coral reef refugia, but it is vulnerable to warming and pollution. Here we investigated the spatial and temporal trends of 15 element concentrations in 9 coral reef sediment cores (aged from the 1460s to the 1980s AD) to study the influence of global warming and industrialization on the Eastern Red Sea coral reefs. We found Na, Ca, Cr, Fe, Co, Ni, and Sr concentrations were higher in the northern Red Sea (i.e., Yanbu), whereas Mg, P, S, Mn, and Cd concentrations were higher in the southern Red Sea (i.e., Thuwal & Al Lith) reef sediments. In the central (i.e., Thuwal) to southern (i.e., Al Lith) Red Sea, the study revealed diverse temporal trends in element concentrations.
However, both reef sedimentation rates (−36.4 % and −80.5 %, respectively) and elemental accumulation rates (−49.4 % for Cd to −12.2 % for Zn in Thuwal, and −86.2 % for Co to −61.4 % for Cu in Al Lith) exhibited a declining pattern over time, possibly attributed to warming-induced thermal bleaching. In the central to northern Red Sea (i.e., Yanbu), the severity of thermal bleaching is low, while the reef sedimentation rates (187 %), element concentrations (6.7 % for S to 764 % for Co; except Na, Mg, Ca, Sr, and Cd), and all elemental accumulation rates (190 % for Mg to 2697 % for Co) exponentially increased from the 1970s, probably due the rapid industrialization in Yanbu. Our study also observed increased trace metal concentrations (e.g., Cu, Zn, and Ni) in the Thuwal and Al Lith coral reefs with severe bleaching histories, consistent with previous reports that trace metals might result in decreased resistance of corals to thermal stress under warming scenarios. Our study points to the urgent need to reduce the local discharge of trace metal pollutants to protect this biodiversity hotspot.
3. An evaluation model for in-situ bioremediation technology of petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated soil
Environmental Pollution, Volume 344, 1 March 2024, 123299
Considering the interference of the complexity of underground environment to the bioremediation scheme, an evaluation model for bioremediation technology in the soil source area of oil contaminated sites was established. On the basis of traditional CDE model, a compartment model was coupled to express the adsorption and degradation process, and the spatial expression of biodegradation was enriched through environment-dependent factors. The visualization of the model was achieved based on COMSOL Multiphysics software platform.
Two sets of indoor sandbox experiments on natural attenuation and bioaugmentation were carried out for 120 days to verify the prediction function of the model. The results showed that bioaugmentation greatly improved the remediation effect. Petroleum hydrocarbons with different occurrence states exhibited different spatial distributions under the influence of environmental factors. The prediction accuracy evaluation results of total petroleum hydrocarbons, bio available hydrocarbons and non extractable hydrocarbons showed excellent fitting degree, and the model had a good prediction function for petroleum hydrocarbon in soil under different bioremediation scenarios. This model can be used to screen bioremediation technical schemes, prevent pollution and assess risk of petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated sites.
4. Thermophotovoltaics (TPVs), solar and wind assisted hydrogen production and utilisation in iron and steel industry for low carbon productions
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 443, 1 March 2024, 140893
To reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in high-grade steel production plants, this study developed a solar and wind assisted H2-fuelled blast furnace – basic oxygen furnace (BF-BOF) route coupled with the electrolysis of H2O and thermoelectric units. The developed model consists of heat recovery units, water gas shift (WGS), low-temperature electrolysis of H2O, thermophotovoltaic converter, CO2 capture by absorption and oxy-hydrogen firing ovens and furnaces. The recovered thermal energy generated steam and distilled H2O feedstocks for WGS and PEMEC (proton exchange membrane electrolyser cell) units. WGS converted CO to CO2 and increased the H2 production rate before separation from other by-products in the (PSA) pressure swing adsorption column. H2O electrolysis generated more H2 fuel for the coke oven, Fe-CaO oven-sinter, BF and BOF.
The result of the proposed system reveals that by utilising H2 as fuel and O2 as oxidant instead of burning natural gas (NG) for thermal decomposition of feedstocks, 1111.4 kg/h of CO2 emission for every 626 kg/h of produced steel can be prevented. The application of CO2 capture by absorption process eliminated CO2 emission footprint from the process. Whereas 61.1 kW was recovered by installing TPV units on ovens and furnaces’ walls for the conversion of waste heat into electricity. By incorporating either solar or wind renewable energy systems with a power output of 20 MW, 1290.4 kg/h of H2 fuel and 38.5 kg/h of CH4 were stored for later use and 6754.8 kg/h of CO2 emission was avoided. The steel purchase price of the proposed system is anticipated to be cheaper than the conventional BF-BOF route operating with a CCS unit as ≥10% energy efficiency was recorded. The recycling of more scrap steel is also viable in this developed system because of the high energy density of the utilised H2 fuel for the thermal decomposition of ovens and furnaces’ feeds.
5. New insights into toxicity reduction and pollutants removal during typical treatment of papermaking wastewater
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 915, 10 March 2024, 169937
Papermaking wastewater contained various of toxic and hazardous pollutants that pose significant threats to both the ecosystem and human health. Despite these risks, limited research has addressed the detoxification efficiency and mechanism involved in the typical process treatment of papermaking wastewater. In this study, the acute toxicity of papermaking wastewater after different treatment processes was assessed using luminousbacteria, zebrafish and Daphnia magna (D. magna). Meanwhile, the pollution parament of the corresponding wastewater were measured, and the transformation of organic pollutant in the wastewater was identified by three-dimensional fluorescence and other techniques. Finally, the possible mechanism of toxicity variation in different treatment processes were explored in combination with correlation analyses.
The results showed that raw papermaking wastewater displayed high acute toxicity to luminousbacteria, and exhibited slight acute toxicity and acute toxicity effect to zebrafish and D. magna, respectively. After physical and biochemical processes, not only the toxicity of the wastewater to zebrafish and D. magna was completely eliminated, but also the inhibitory effect on luminousbacteria was significantly reduced (TU value decreased from 11.07 to 1.66). Among them, the order of detoxification efficiency on luminousbacteria was air flotation > hydrolysis acidification > IC > aerobic process. Correlation analyses revealed a direct link between the reduced of Total Organic Carbon (TOC) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and the detoxification efficiency of the different processes on the wastewater.
In particular, the removal of benzene-containing aromatic pollutant correlated positively with decreased toxicity. However, the Fenton process, despite lowering TOC and COD, increased of the acute toxicity of the luminousbacteria (TU value increased from 1.66 to 2.33). This may result from the transformation generation of organic pollutant and oxidant residues during the Fenton process. Hence, oxidation technologies such as the Fenton process, as a deep treatment process, should be more concerned about the ecological risks that may be caused while focusing on their effectiveness in removing pollutant.
6. How does regional technological innovation affect energy poverty? The role of industrial structure distortion
Energy, Volume 291, 15 March 2024, 130387
China still faces relatively serious energy poverty, and technological innovation is considered effective at alleviating this issue. This paper empirically investigates the impact of regional technological innovation on energy poverty based on panel data from 30 provinces in China from 2001 to 2020. This paper explores the effect of industrial structure distortion in the process of technological innovation on energy poverty.
This paper conducts asymmetry analysis and investigates the heterogeneous impact of technological innovation on energy poverty in different areas. The research conclusions are as follows: (1) Regional technological innovation can effectively alleviate energy poverty. (2) Industrial structure distortion moderates the impact of technological innovation on energy poverty, and it weakens the effect of technological innovation in alleviating energy poverty, although the moderating effect is not significant in coal-producing regions. (3) The effect of technological innovation on alleviating energy poverty is more obvious in regions where energy poverty is prominent. (4) The role of technological innovation in alleviating energy poverty shows spatial heterogeneity, and this alleviation effect is more obvious in the western and non-coal producing regions. We also propose several policy implications for alleviating energy poverty.
7. Adsorption optimization and modeling of Hg2+ ions from aqueous solutions using response surface methodology by SNPs–CS bionanocomposite produced from rice husk agro–industrial waste as a novel environmentally–friendly bionanoadsorbent
Chemosphere, Volume 351, March 2024, 141279
Abstract In the present research, extraction of silica (SiO2) from rice husk (RH) was optimized and silica nanoparticles (SNPs) was produced using it and functionalized by chitosan (CS) functional groups to obtain CS functionalized SNPs (SNPs–CS) bionanocomposite for the first time. The physical and chemical characteristics of the produced materials were examined using structural analyses. The results of structural analyses confirmed the fine structure of the produced materials. The SNPs–CS bionanocomposite was applied to effectively remove Hg2+ ions from aqueous solutions as an environmentally–friendly bionanoadsorbent and optimization and modeling of the adsorption conditions was explored using designed experiments by Design–Expert software with central composite design (CCD) and response surface methodology (RSM).
Optimum adsorption conditions were obtained as solution pH of 6, SNPs–CS dosage of 0.1 g L−1 and Hg2+ ions concentration of 100 mg L−1 by removal efficiency of 85% and desirability function of 0.876. The results of adsorption kinetic showed a better fit of the pseudo–second–order model with experimental data, indicating the chemisorption of the adsorption process. The better fit of the Langmuir model with experimental data was confirmed by the results of adsorption isotherms, demonstrating monolayer adsorption on the homogeneous surface. The adsorption thermodynamic results illustrated the exothermicity and spontaneity of the adsorption reaction. The results of SNPs–CS recovery depicted its excellent recovery ability of removal efficiency with more than 90% after five consecutive adsorption and desorption cycles, which proved high potential of the produced bionanocomposite for industrial applications.
8. Occurrence characteristics, environmental trend, and source analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the water environment of industrial zones
Environmental Research, Volume 245, 15 March 2024, 118053
The middle reaches of the Yellow River are rich in energy resources, with the Kuye River, a first-class river in this region, serving as a vital hub for the coal chemical industry within China. This study investigated the occurrence patterns, environmental trends, and ecological risks associated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the Kuye River Basin, offering insights into the environmental dynamics of regions. The findings indicated that the river sediments primarily contained PAHs with medium to high-molecular weights, exhibiting levels ranging from 402.92 ng/g dw to 16,783.72 ng/g dw, while water bodies predominantly featured PAHs with low to medium molecular weights, ranging from 299.34 ng/L to 10,930.9 ng/L. The source analysis of PAHs indicated that industrial and traffic exhaust emissions were the primary contributors to PAHs in the Kuye basin, with sediments serving as a secondary release source based on fugacity fraction. The content of PAHs in sediment correlated closely with the environmental factors, and the PAHs inventory of the basin was 19.97 tons. The increased overall PAH concentration in the basin posed significant ecological and public health concerns, necessitating urgent attention.
9. Study on preparation of UV-CDs/Zeolite-4A/TiO2 composite photocatalyst coupled with ultraviolet-irradiation and their application of photocatalytic degradation of dyes
Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 354, March 2024, 120342
In this work, ultraviolet irradiation was employed to assist in the preparation of a novel photocatalyst composite in the form of carbon dots/zeolite-4A/TiO2, using coal tailings as the source of silicon-aluminum and carbon. The composite was designed for the degradation of methylene blue under 500 W of UV light irradiation. Zeolite-4A was used as a support for the well-dispersed carbon dots and TiO2 nanoparticles. The as-prepared composites were subjected to thorough characterization, confirming the successful formation of zeolite-4A with a cube structure, along with the loading of TiO2 and coal-based CDs in the composites. The experimental results demonstrated that the UV-CZTs nanocomposites exhibited a remarkable removal efficiency of 90.63% within 90 min for MB. The corresponding rate constant was exceptionally high at 0.0331 min−1, surpassing that of the Dark-CZTs and pure TiO2. This significant enhancement was possibly due to the synergistic effect of adsorption photocatalysis of the UV-CZTs, combined with the excellent electron-accepting capabilities of the coal-based CDs, which led to highly improved charge separation.
An investigation of the spent photocatalyst’s recyclability revealed that it retained a remarkable 82.94% MB removal efficiency after five consecutive cycles, signifying the stability of the composite. Trapping experiments also elucidated the primary reactive species responsible for MB degradation, which were identified as photo-generated holes and ⸱O2− species. By this process, the hydroxyl radicals generated in the system successfully promoted the transformation of coal tailings to coal-based zeolite and coal-based CDs. Coal-based zeolite served as an excellent carrier of titanium dioxide, which improved its dispersibility. The inhibition of e−-h+ recombination of titanium dioxide by introducing coal-based CDs improved the photocatalytic ability of titanium dioxide. Through this study, coal tailings, as a coal processing waste, were transformed into high-value materials, and relevant photocatalytic composite materials could be prepared with broad application prospects.
10. Impact of waste separation on the biological nitrogen removal in a MSW incineration leachate treatment plant: Performance and microbial community shift
Environmental Research, Volume 244, 1 March 2024, 117876
After waste separation program was launched in China in 2019, incineration leachate treatment plants are facing a challenge of effective removal of nitrogen from leachate due to lack of sufficient carbon source. In this study, the performance of a biological incineration leachate treatment process (anaerobic digestion (AD) – two-stage anoxic/aerobic (A/O) process) was evaluated after adopting the waste separation program, and the changes in the microbial community and function was analyzed using 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing technology. Results showed that after the waste separation, the influent chemical oxygen demand (COD) concentration reduced by 90% (from 19,300 to 1780 mg L−1) with the COD/N ratio decreased from 12.3 to 1.4, which led to a decreased nitrogen removal efficiency (NRE) of <65% and a high effluent NO3− accumulation (445.8–986.5 mg N·L−1).
By bypassing approximately 60% of the influent to the two-stage A/O process and adding external carbon source (glucose), the mean NRE increased to 86.3 ± 7.4%. Spearman’s analysis revealed that refractory compounds in the bypassed leachate were closely related to the variations in bacterial community composition and nitrogen removal function in the two-stage A/O, leading to a weakened correlation of microbial network. KEGG functional pathway predictions based on Tax4Fun also confirmed that the bypassed leachate induced xenobiotic compounds to the two-stage A/O process, the relative abundance of nitrogen metabolism was reduced by 32%, and more external carbon source was required to ensure the satisfactory nitrogen removal of >80%. The findings provide a good guide for regulation of incineration leachate treatment processes after the waste separation.
11. BIM in construction waste management: A conceptual model based on the industry foundation classes standard
Automation in Construction, Volume 159, March 2024, 105283
Building Information Modeling (BIM) represents an innovation in the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry. In the environmental context, the management of buildings through BIM contributes to preserving resources and promoting more sustainable environments. This research explores the application of BIM in construction and demolition waste (CDW) management and the sustainability of buildings. The method consisted of applying Design Science Research (DSR) to develop a conceptual information model based on the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) to meet CDW indicators and to assist in the CDW management activity. The conceptual model presented a perspective on application in CDW management and emphasized the importance of mapping information exchanges in BIM to optimize activities in civil construction. However, the results depend directly on the information available in the IFC model. The proposed conceptual model presents the potential to automate waste management with the flexibility of applying it to different phases of the construction life cycle. The results of CDW management can contribute to other types of sustainability analyses.
12. Does environmental regulation enhance servitization in aspirant markets? Evidence from China’s manufacturing sector
Technovation, Volume 131, March 2024, 102952
In contrast to prior studies that focus on the product or technological dimension of environmental innovation, this study broadens the scope of environmental innovation to the business model innovation of servitization. It investigates the exogenous shock of environmental policy on the servitization of manufacturing firms in the specific context of aspirant markets such as China. By employing the difference-in-differences (DID) method, this study finds that manufacturing firms in regulated sectors are more likely to develop services than those in non-regulated sectors. However, manufacturing firms prefer to develop basic rather than advanced services. Additionally, resource slack positively moderates the effects of environmental regulations on servitization. This study provides policy and managerial implications concerning environmental regulations on manufacturing firms’ adoption of service-related environmental innovations.
13. Implications of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism on South Korean industries: Challenges and policy recommendations
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 444, 10 March 2024, 141278
This study examines the effects of the European Union’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) on South Korean industries. Concerns about carbon leakage, where carbon emissions increase in countries or regions with less stringent climate policies, have grown recently. Specifically, firms strategically relocate their operations to countries with lower carbon costs, where they can produce goods more cheaply and without carbon constraints. CBAM is a carbon tariff on carbon intensive products imported by the European Union. While the CBAM has the potential to reduce global carbon emissions, it poses significant risks to South Korea, which relies heavily on exports of CBAM-affected products. This study provides an overview of the potential effects of the CBAM on industries in South Korea, applies event study analysis to quantitatively evaluate how the financial market has reacted to CBAM-related events. Based on the research findings, as the details of CBAM become clearer, there is a shift in perception from environmental goals to broader issues across industries. Building on this understanding, we discuss issues related to the CBAM enactment: firm-level carbon accounting, EC-certified accreditation institutions, and the carbon allowance price gap between the EU and South Korea. We propose necessary short-term and long-term policies to attenuate CBAM-related risks.
14. A systematic review of phosphogypsum recycling industry based on the survey data in China – applications, drivers, obstacles, and solutions
Environmental Impact Assessment Review, Volume 105, March 2024, 107405
The development of phosphogypsum (PG) recycling industry plays an important role in promoting the environmentally friendly transition of the phosphorus chemical industry, worldwide. China is the leading producer of phosphate and PG in the world, as the development of PG recycling industry in China has already generated very promising outcomes. Over 80% of China’s total PG production in contributed collectively by four provinces, including Sichuan, Hubei, Guizhou, and Yunnan. By conducting an in-depth investigation to 18 representative companies involved in PG recycling allocated in these four provinces, the purpose of this study is acquired a comprehensive insight into the status quo of the development of PG recycling industry in China and its prevalent challenges.
The results indicate that, first, recycled PG can be used in various applications, which predominantly encompassing in cement retarder, construction materials, engineering application, polymer materials, underground back filling, ecological restoration, sulfur acid, fertilizers, soil amendment, crafts, etc. Second, the key drivers behind the development of PG recycling industry include types of companies, technological innovation, products and markets, industrial policies, and geographical location. Third, the obstacles hindering the development of PG recycling industry include: a scarcity of innovative PG recycling companies; an absence of comprehensive technical evaluation standards and high-value technological breakthroughs; challenges in promoting PG-based products in the market; insufficient support from industrial policies; and the lack of geographical advantages contributing to sluggish industrial progress in specific regions. Fourth, the recommended corresponding solutions encompass: facilitating the transformation and upgrading of phosphorus chemical companies and promoting the coordinated development of PG recycling companies; instituting a technical evaluation standardized system and promoting high-value technologies; broadening the market channels and establishing a reproducible and scalable PG recycling industrial development model; accelerating the enhancement of industrial policies; and developing plans suitable for regional PG recycling industry based on local conditions.
15. Optimal government policies for carbon–neutral power battery recycling in electric vehicle industry
Computers & Industrial Engineering, Volume 189, March 2024, 109952
Power battery recycling plays a crucial role in mitigating environmental impacts, conserving valuable resources, and promoting sustainability in the rapidly expanding electric vehicle industry. However, current research lacks an analysis of the interplay between government policies, technology, economics, and the environment.
This study utilizes the Stackelberg model to explore power battery recycling and echelon utilization. We examine the impact of government policies, such as non-interference (GNI), environmental tax (GT), dismantling subsidies (GDS), and recycling subsidies (GRS), as well as technological maturity and resource efficiency. Our research focuses particularly on two vital factors: products environmental footprint (PEF) and the recycling rate. The findings reveal that government intervention can effectively reduce the PEF, especially when dismantling technology is well-developed. The intervention outcomes are significantly influenced by recycling costs and revenue from echelon utilization of power battery. Concerning recycling rates, a combination of higher tax rates and the GT policy proves most effective in promoting increased recycling rates. Nevertheless, the GDS policy shows promise with lower tax rates. Furthermore, we identify feasible conditions for carbon neutrality and explore how government policies can facilitate this transition. Finally, our study gives policy recommendations for achieving maximum recycling rates and minimum PEF.
16. A comprehensive review of circular economy research in the textile and clothing industry
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 444, 10 March 2024, 141252
The textile and clothing industry is a significant global sector due to its economic and social contributions. However, it is one of the most polluting industries. There has been a significant uptake of research on circular economy implementation to reduce its environmental impacts.
Nevertheless, there is a critical gap in reviewing how the research field is evolving and what the core focus and underlying assumptions of the existing research are. This paper utilises bibliometrics, content analysis, and problematisation to comprehensively examine the state of research. Analysing 132 primary documents dating from January 2014 to April 2023, this study reveals that sustainability-oriented innovation and transition challenges are the core focus of existing research.
Technology-oriented circularity and its positive impact on sustainability is the in-house assumption that almost all studies are founded on. Besides unpacking the risk of such assumptions, this study provides tangible suggestions for future research on circular economy disruption, its rebound effect, and sustainability-oriented innovation. Although the time lag and language biases may have impacted the representation of current research trends, findings from this study can facilitate academic research and industry practice in implementing circular economy practices for a more sustainable future.
Tạp chí Môi trường và Đô thị Việt Nam
Ảnh: Đường Rừng Sác dài 36,5 km chạy qua rừng ngập mặn ở huyện Cần Giờ (TP.HCM)