Ban biên tập Chuyên trang Quản lý Môi trường, Tạp chí Môi trường và Đô thị Việt Nam trân trọng giới thiệu tới quý độc giả Công bố quốc tế lĩnh vực môi trường số 28-2024.
Về quản lý môi trường
– Các thể chế, biện pháp khuyến khích và thông tin có thúc đẩy việc áp dụng các phương pháp nông nghiệp thông minh với khí hậu không? Bằng chứng thực nghiệm từ Ấn Độ.
– Điều tra mối liên hệ đa chiều giữa mô hình cảnh quan đô thị và ô nhiễm PM1 ở Trung Quốc bằng cách sử dụng khung kết hợp mới.
– Sự tương tác giữa các kênh ảo và vật lý trong việc tuyên truyền hành vi xanh: Nghiên cứu tích hợp động lực-cơ hội-khả năng và lý thuyết về hành vi có kế hoạch.
– Ý nghĩa kinh tế và môi trường của việc thu giữ carbon trong nhà máy lọc sinh học sinh khối cây ô liu cắt tỉa.
– Đánh giá vòng đời tương lai so sánh của các nhà máy nhiệt điện than ở Hoa Kỳ với khả năng thu hồi carbon dựa trên MEA/MOF.
– Phân loại theo thời gian của thành phần hóa học PM2.5 ở Seoul, Hàn Quốc bằng phân tích phân cụm K-means.
– Tác động của chính sách thay đổi công nghệ đối với việc sử dụng nước và buôn bán nước ảo ở những nơi hạn chế về nước.
– Hướng tới kiểm soát ô nhiễm hydrocarbon thơm đa vòng trong khí quyển tốt hơn ở Bắc bán cầu: Phân tích quy trình dựa trên các mô hình học sâu có thể giải thích được.
– Áp lực pháp lý hoặc thị trường: Điều gì thúc đẩy sự nổi tiếng về môi trường ở Bangladesh?
Về môi trường đô thị
– Ứng dụng quang phổ huỳnh quang kết hợp với dải Gaussian để phát hiện quá trình biến đổi động của các phần mùn từ đất ven sông dọc theo một dòng sông đô thị hóa.
– Tác động của con người và nguồn nitrat định lượng trong kênh nông thôn-thành thị bằng cách sử dụng phương pháp kết hợp PMF, δ15N/δ18O–NO3- và MixSIAR.
– Thủy động lực học và lượng phốt pho trong một dòng sông đô thị hóa ảnh hưởng đến phản ứng với sự thay đổi được quản lý trong tương lai: Những hiểu biết sâu sắc từ mô hình phân tán-tiến lưu.
– Nồng độ và đánh giá rủi ro sinh thái của các este lân hữu cơ điển hình trong nước mặt đại diện của siêu đô thị.
– Những yếu tố môi trường sống nào ảnh hưởng đến sự xuất hiện và sự phong phú của các loài làm tổ trong công viên dọc theo độ dốc đô thị hóa? Khuyến nghị quản lý cây xanh trong cảnh quan đô thị.
– Phân bố, phân bổ nguồn và đánh giá rủi ro sinh thái của gen kháng kháng sinh trong đất trong không gian xanh đô thị.
– Hướng tới lưu thông nguồn tài nguyên phát thải thấp của các kim loại có giá trị từ tro bay đốt chất thải rắn đô thị.
– Kiểm tra sự chênh lệch về phơi nhiễm nhiệt giữa chủng tộc và dân tộc ở Thành phố New York (NYC) trên các quy mô không gian và chính trị khác nhau thông qua sửa đổi biện pháp hiệu ứng địa lý.
– Ethanol, acetaldehyde và metanol trong pha khí và nước mưa ở các quần xã sinh vật và khu vực đô thị khác nhau ở Brazil.
Về môi trường khu công nghiệp
– Phân lập và mô tả đặc tính của Paracoccus communis phân hủy sinh học 3,3′-iminodipropionitrile mới, từ lò phản ứng sinh học xử lý nước thải công nghiệp.
– Ước tính gánh nặng toàn cầu về tử vong liên quan đến ung thư do dân cư tiếp xúc với các khu liên hợp công nghiệp hóa dầu từ năm 2020 đến năm 2040.
– Đánh bắt nhầm và ô nhiễm là mối đe dọa chính đối với cá heo Burmeister sinh sống ở vịnh công nghiệp hóa cao trong Hệ thống dòng chảy Humboldt.
– Các yếu tố hỗ trợ và mở rộng quan trọng cho ngành nhựa sinh học dựa trên tảo.
– Nghiên cứu so sánh các yếu tố độc hại trong chất xúc tác khử xúc tác chọn lọc (SCR) đã qua sử dụng từ các ngành công nghiệp khác nhau: Sự xuất hiện, hành vi lọc và chiến lược khử độc.
– Vai trò của công nghệ Công nghiệp 4.0 và sự tương tác giữa con người và máy móc trong quá trình khử cacbon trong chuỗi cung ứng thực phẩm.
– Phát triển hạt alginate chứa các thành phần hoạt tính sinh học từ Chlorella Vulgaris được nuôi cấy trong nước thải công nghiệp thực phẩm.
– Tác động ngang hàng, quy định môi trường và hội nhập tài chính môi trường
– Bằng chứng thực nghiệm từ các công ty niêm yết trong các ngành gây ô nhiễm nặng.
– Hiệu quả phát triển bền vững của các doanh nghiệp Hà Lan và vai trò của số hóa: Trường hợp ngành dệt may.
– Tính trung lập của khí nhà kính: Phân tích định tính về những căng thẳng về tính bền vững được nhận thấy trong ngành hóa chất của Đức.
Tạp chí Môi trường và Đô thị Việt Nam
Xin trân trọng giới thiệu!
1. Do institutions, incentives, and information enhance adoption of climate smart agriculture practices? Empirical evidence from India
Environmental Development, Volume 50, June 2024, 100982
Over the years, numerous studies have identified factors influencing farmers’ adaptive behaviour in India, however, there is a dearth of studies with respect to determinants like institutions, incentives, and information. This study, therefore, aims to fill this gap by assessing role of these factors in driving climate-smart agriculture practices. In total, 1274 farmers were surveyed from the 11 disaster-prone districts of four coastal states, namely, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and Maharashtra. From the survey, it is observed that farmers are adopting seven non-mutually exclusive options, and thus, a multivariate probit model is employed. Our findings are: (i) more than 90 percent of the farmers adopt at least one option, and the most preferred measures are shifting of the crops, disaster-resilient crops, water management, and soil management options; (ii) in line with previous studies, the major determinants under household characteristics are livelihood diversification, and assets and amenities; (iii) access to soil health card is observed as the crucial factor for uptake of various options; (iv) none of the variables under institutions and incentives, and information, except for access to agro-met advisory services, are viewed as a major cause for adoption of all climate-smart agriculture options, but the mixed causal association is noticed for some of the measures. Concerning policy implications, this study advocates diversification of income sources, scaling up programs related to soil health card and agro-met advisory services, and restructuring existing institutions, developmental interventions, incentive mechanisms, and communication channels. It is essential since the support of policies and institutions are needed for the diffusion of agricultural innovations.
2. Investigating the multiscale associations between urban landscape patterns and PM1 pollution in China using a new combined framework
Environmental Development, Volume 50, June 2024, 100982
Urban landscape patterns serve as the spatial carriers of emission sources and influencing factors of air contaminants, which inevitably impact submicron particle (PM1) pollution. However, most studies ignore the spatial nonstationary and nonlinear effects of urban landscape patterns on the PM1 concentration. In this study, a novel framework was developed that integrates a multiscale geographically weighted regression (MGWR) model and Shapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP) machine learning method to explore the spatial heterogeneity effect, relative contribution and nonlinear impact of landscape patterns on the PM1 concentration at the national and urban agglomeration scales. The results indicated that urban landscape patterns were closely related to PM1 pollution and exhibited obvious spatial differences. The disorderly expansion of urban built-up areas and an irregular urban morphology could aggravate PM1 pollution, while urban fragmentation and connectivity could impose reducing effects. Dispersed urban landscape patterns could reduce the PM1 concentration in the Yangtze River Delta (YRD), Pearl River Delta (PRD), and Chengdu-Chongqing (CDCQ) regions, whereas compact and continuous landscape patterns positively affected PM1 pollution mitigation in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH) and Guanzhong Plain (GZH) urban agglomerations. The impact of urban landscape patterns on PM1 pollution was greater in urban agglomerations than elsewhere. The ENN_MN landscape index exhibited the highest feature importance and interpretability. The threshold effects between the urban shape indicators and PM1 concentration were more complex than those with the other landscape indices. This critical knowledge provides a scientific basis for further understanding the correlation mechanism between PM1 pollution and the landscape pattern, urban sustainable planning and air pollution control.
3. Interplay of virtual and physical channels in propagating green behaviour: A study integrating motivation-opportunity-ability and theory of planned behaviour
Environmental Development, Volume 50, June 2024, 100997
Traditional communication channels and new “human-computer interaction” spread channels are intertwined, facilitating the promote of the concept of “green for all”. This paper integrates the influence of virtual channel and physical channel attributes into the Motivation-Opportunity-Ability theory (MOA) and Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) to explore the spread process of public green behaviors. The results show that: (1) In the composite effect, environmental responsibility (ER) and external objective factors (EOF) have no significant impact on the propagation of green behavior among the public. Both virtual channel attributes (VCA) and physical channel attributes (PCA) can accelerate the spread process of public green behavior, with PCA having the greatest impact on the propagation of public green behavior. (2) ER, VCA, PCA, EOF, and external subjective factors (ESF) can all promote the spread of public green behavior through the intermediary chain of spread motivation and spread intention. Among them, channel attributes more directly influence the spread of green behavior, and the chain mediating effect of ER through the chain was the most significant. At the same time, ESF plays a significant moderating role between the intention to spread and propagation behavior (PB), effectively bridging the gap between behavior and intention. (3) Further heterogeneity analysis shows that, compared with males, PCA has a greater promoting effect on the green behavior propagation of females, while VCA has a more significant positive effect on the green behavior propagation of the more educated public. Finally, this article examines the presence of intermediary and regulatory mechanisms among various income groups. Research has found that promoting the creation of conducive conditions for comprehensive green behavior propagation and developing targeted and mass-oriented green behavior propagation strategies by all societal stakeholders are crucial for enhancing public engagement in green practices.
4. Economic and environmental implications of carbon capture in an olive pruning tree biomass biorefinery
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 456, 1 June 2024, 142361
This study explores the integration of bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) in a biorefinery system that converts olive tree prunings into bioethanol and antioxidants. With a capacity to process 1,500 tons of prunings daily, the biorefinery yields an annual production of around 12,000 tons of antioxidants (purity >60 %) and 78,000 tons of bioethanol. Utilizing a holistic approach involving process simulations and life cycle assessment, our analysis covers technical, economic, and environmental dimensions across two scenarios differing in design and heating source: natural gas or a BECCS system using olive prunings. Our findings reveal the potential for BECCS to drastically reduce the carbon footprint, potentially achieving net-negative emissions (−84.37 kg CO2eq per 1.00 kg of bioethanol and 0.15 kg antioxidants produced). However, these environmental gains are counterbalanced by economic and environmental challenges, with investment and operating costs nearly doubling and leading to complex environmental trade-offs related to eutrophication (+75 %), increased water consumption (+45 %), and expanded land use (+80 %). Nevertheless, the premium nature of carbon-negative products, coupled with growing awareness and supportive policy frameworks, may overcome these economic barriers. This study highlights the importance of holistic evaluation when integrating CCS into biorefineries facilitating informed decision-making to address unintended adverse effects and promoting sustainability.
5. Integrating historical patterns and future trends for ecological management zone identification and validation: A case study in Beijing, China
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 927, 1 June 2024, 172249
Ecological management zones (EMZs) are pivotal in improving the management of ecosystem services (ESs) and promoting sustainable regional development. In this study, we developed a comprehensive framework aimed at identifying EMZs and substantiating their efficacy through the amalgamation of historical evolutionary patterns and future trends. We applied this framework to Beijing, China, and selected five vital ESs for the study area namely, water yield (WY), carbon sequestration (CS), habitat quality (HQ), soil conservation (SC) and water purification (WP). The framework involves two key components. Firstly, the identification of EMZs is based on the historical evolution of five types of ESs and the dynamic assessment of ES bundles. Subsequently, it enables a simulation of various scenarios to predict future alterations in land use and ESs, thereby validating the effectiveness of the identified EMZs. Our findings reveal notable spatial heterogeneity among different ESs, and that CS, HQ, SC, and WP exhibited synergies, while WY and showed trade-offs with the remaining four types of ESs. Based on an analysis of ES bundle evolution trajectories, we identified four types of EMZs: ecological conservation zone, ecological restoration zone, ecological transition zone and sustainable construction zone. Through strategic EMZ planning, it becomes possible to augment the area of forestland and grassland, alleviate the contradiction between arable land and construction land, and enhance the supply of various ESs. The proposed framework not only offers a novel perspective on the scientific management of ESs but also furnishes decision-makers and planners with an intuitive understanding of the tangible benefits associated with EMZ planning.
6. A comparative prospective life cycle assessment of coal-fired power plants in the US with MEA/MOF-based carbon capture
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 456, 1 June 2024, 142418
The adoption of carbon capture technology in coal-fired power plants is expected to play a pivotal role in the energy transition. This study conducted consequential life cycle assessments (CLCAs) of coal-fired power generation in the United States using policy-level accounting. Monoethanolamine (MEA)-based and Mg-MOF-74-based carbon capture have been introduced, with a comparative analysis conducted on the emissions reduction potential of these two materials through their respective mechanisms of absorption and adsorption. The results indicate that carbon capture based on MEA or Mg-MOF-74 can significantly reduce emissions from coal-fired power generation, decreasing from 779.5 Mt CO2e to 50.1 Mt CO2e and 61.1 Mt CO2e in 2050, respectively. The introduction of ultra-supercritical power plants and carbon capture reduced direct emissions from 92% to 51%. MEA outperforms Mg-MOF-74 slightly, with lower emissions due to solvents and cleaning processes. Deviations in Mg-MOF-74’s adsorption capacity and degradation rate could lead to 4%–6% model outcome variations. It is also concluded that the stability of MEA’s marginal emissions depends on a steady expansion of existing production capacity, while the marginal emissions of Mg-MOF-74 are anticipated to remain unchanged. This study emphasizes carbon capture’s potential but stresses the need for prompt implementation and comprehensive assessments before deployment decisions.
7. How the Water-Sediment Regulation Scheme in the Yellow River affected the estuary ecosystem in the last 10 years?
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 927, 1 June 2024, 172002
The Yellow River, renowned as the most sediment-laden river globally, grapples with sediment deposition issues compromising reservoir functionality and elevating downstream riverbeds, posing threats to human life and property safety. In response, the Water-Sediment Regulation Scheme (WSRS) has been innovatively implemented to address these challenges. While effectively mitigating sediment deposition, WSRS has concurrently disrupted the equilibrium of the estuarine ecosystem. This paper addresses the understudied but crucial topic of the interannual impact of WSRS on the estuarine ecosystem. Drawing upon physical, chemical, and biological data gathered through field surveys conducted before, during, and after WSRS from 2011 to 2022, the analysis delves into the interannual changes in the estuarine environment, fish eggs and larvae abundance, and species diversity under the influence of WSRS. The findings reveal an interannual decreasing trend in terrestrial material input due to WSRS, juxtaposed with an interannual increasing trend in fish eggs and larvae around the estuary, as well as the species diversity index. Notably, these trends became more pronounced post-2014. Compared to pre-2014, nutrient concentrations experienced a ~20 % decrease, chlorophyll-a concentration increased by 44 %, fish eggs proliferated approximately 1 time, and the species diversity index transitioned from a declining trend to an ascending trajectory. After 12 years of continuous WSRS implementation, the impact on the estuarine ecosystem has demonstrably diminished. This research aims to furnish reference experience and scientific basis for water and sediment regulation in major rivers around the world in terms of estuarine ecology.
8. A novel composite cloud model-based three-stage evaluation for the spatial equilibrium of water resources in China
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 456, 1 June 2024, 142356
The mismatch between water resource conditions and economic and social layout leads to spatial imbalance of water resources, which restricts China’s socio-economic development. To quantitatively study the spatial equilibrium of water resources in China, this article proposed a three-stage hybrid model comprising regional assessment, spatiotemporal pattern analysis, and source apportionment. By adopting this approach, the study calculated the SEIWR (Spatial equilibrium index of water resources) and a comprehensive evaluation of the spatial balance level of water resources in China can be conducted. The results showed that (1) from 2008 to 2021, the SEIWR in mainland China had improved as a whole, but the level in Liaoning, Chongqing and other provinces and cities had declined; (2) in China, the SEIWR exhibited a distinct geographic pattern with high levels observed in the eastern and southern regions, while low levels were observed in the western and northern regions. The gap between the east and the west gradually narrowed during the study period. (3) There were zones with obvious differences, showing a certain spatial positive correlation aggregation effect. The central and eastern regions showed a large area of high-high cluster spatial patterns. (4) The SEIWR in East China, South China, and North China was greatly influenced by economic and social indicators. The SEIWR in Northeast and Central China was strongly influenced by ecological environmental indicators, while the SEIWR in Southwest and Northwest China was more influenced by water system indicators. (5) In China, the ecological environment was strongly influenced by economic and social conditions. The above research results help decision-makers understand the SEIWR in different regions and the key factors that affect such level, which help them develop measures tailored to local conditions so that all regions can improve their SEIWR.
9. Temporal pattern classification of PM2.5 chemical compositions in Seoul, Korea using K-means clustering analysis
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 927, 1 June 2024, 172157
Particulate matter with a diameter ≤ 2.5 μm (PM2.5) is a complex mixture of particles with a variety of compositions potentially including sulfate ions (SO42−), nitrate ions (NO3−), ammonium ions (NH4+), organic and inorganic elemental carbon, and metals. Here, the temporal composition evolution of PM2.5 was analyzed to characterize its emission source, origin, and external influences. The concentrations of wintertime PM2.5 chemical compositions in Seoul, Korea during the period of 2012–2021 were classified into four representative clusters using a K-means cluster analysis method. Cluster 1 exhibited high concentrations of NO3− and NH4+ ions mainly due to the prevalence of emissions from domestic manure and fertilizer sources in the northeast. High concentrations of these two ions are conducive to generation of ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) through atmospheric chemical reactions, resulting in relatively long-lasting high PM2.5 concentrations in Seoul. In cluster 2, high concentrations of SO42−, vanadium, and nickel were observed in frequent south-westerly winds, indicating the domestic influence of industrial facilities. Cluster 3 showed high concentrations of potassium ions and organic carbon, highlighting a pronounced external influence transported from China via prevailing westerly winds. Cluster 4 showed low PM2.5 concentrations accompanied by strong winds in warm environments, which are uncommon in winter. This study revealed that the air quality in Seoul, which was influenced by many factors, could be classified into four representative patterns. Our results provide insights into the emission sources, major influences, and responsible mechanisms of high PM2.5 concentrations in Seoul, which can help with air quality policies.
10. The impacts of technological change policies on water uses and virtual water trade in water-constrained settings
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 456, 1 June 2024, 142378
Virtual water trade, which underlines the importance of inter-regional commodity transactions for enhancing water management, has often been recommended as an alternative to technological advancements in addressing water scarcity and increasing water savings in dry regions. Sectoral adjustment policies that focus on enhancing the productivity of specific sectors therefore should prioritize sectors with high growth impact potential but low virtual water demand. However, the diverse understanding of the concept and differing assessment techniques employed by various research communities complicate the debates surrounding the policy relevance of the virtual water trade. This study proposes a novel and integrated approach to evaluating virtual water content and flows endogenously, leveraging the advantages of Input-Output and Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) modeling methods. The quantification of the method is exemplified in the case of Uzbekistan (Central Asia), where water is a limited yet essential resource for sustainable economy and environmental systems. Specifically, this study examines the impacts of changes in economy-wide and sector-specific Total Factor Productivity (TFP) and water productivity on water uses, virtual water flows, and economic outcomes. The findings reveal that TFP improvements in livestock and fodder crop production and water productivity enhancements in gardening are recommendable options to constrain the net virtual water trade and enhance economic growth in Uzbekistan. The study also shows a high sensitivity of virtual water flows to technological changes, highlighting the importance of considering options for improving productivity when analyzing the potential of virtual water trade.
11. The multi-year contribution of Indo-China peninsula fire emissions to aerosol radiation forcing in southern China during 2013–2019
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 927, 1 June 2024, 172337
Fire emissions in Southeast Asia transported to southern China every spring (March–May), influencing not only the air quality but also the weather and climate. However, the multi-year variations and magnitude of this impact on aerosol radiation forcing in southern China remain unclear. Here, we quantified the multi-year contributions of fire emissions in Indo-China Peninsula (ICP) region to aerosol radiation forcing in the various southern Chinese provinces during the fire season (March–May) of 2013–2019 combining the 3-dimension chemical transport model and the Column Radiation Model (CRM) simulations. The models’ evaluations showed they reasonably capture the temporal and spatial distribution of surface aerosol concentrations and column aerosol optical properties over the study regions. The fire emissions over the ICP region were found to increase the aerosol optical depth (AOD) value by 0.1 (15 %) and reduce the single scattering albedo (SSA) in three southern regions of China (Yunnan-YN, Guangxi-GX, and Guangdong-GD from west to east), owing to increases in the proportions of black carbon (BC, 0.4 % ± 0.1 %) and organic carbon (OC, 3.0 % ± 0.9 %) within the aerosol compositions. The transported smoke aerosols cooled surface but heated the atmosphere in the southern China regions, with the largest mean reduction of −5 Wm−2 (−3 %) in surface shortwave radiation forcing and the maximum daily contributions of about −15 Wm−2 (−15 %) to the atmosphere radiation forcing in the GX region, followed by the GD and YN regions. The impacts of ICP fire emissions on aerosol optical and radiative parameters declined during 2013–2019, with the highest rate of 0.393 ± 0.478 Wm−2 yr−1 in the GX for the shortwave radiation forcing in the atmosphere. Besides, their yearly changes in the contribution were consistent with the annual fire emissions in the ICP region. Such strong radiative perturbations of ICP fire emissions were expected to influence regional meteorology in southern China and should be considered in the climate simulations.
12. Toward better atmospheric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons pollution control in the Northern Hemisphere: Process analysis based on interpretable deep learning models
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 457, 10 June 2024, 142442
The accurate prediction of atmospheric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) concentrations in the Arctic is crucial in guiding the development of pollution control measures for atmospheric PAHs. However, the complex formation process and strong time-dependence of PAHs in the Arctic increase the difficulty of prediction. Herein, deep learning (DL) models were developed to predict monthly air concentrations of 16 priority PAHs at Alert monitoring station by incorporating the inherent periodicity of PAH concentrations and ancillary data including PAH emissions, meteorological information, fire emissions, and sea ice area. The prediction performance of long short-term memory (LSTM), gated recurrent unit (GRU) and bidirectional LSTM (Bi LSTM) algorithms were compared by multiple model evaluation metrics. The results showed that Bi LSTM models outperformed LSTM and GRU in predicting PAHs concentrations because it exhibited higher accuracy in terms of average R2ext (0.09) and errors (average MAPEext = 1.45). The DL interpretation based on SHAP values suggested that the main drivers of PAHs concentrations were PAHs emissions and sea ice area, with a more prominent contribution from meteorological conditions. The interpretable deep learning approach provides a potential shortcut for predicting time-delayed PAHs concentrations in the Arctic, promoting the management and control of global PAHs pollution.
13. Association of the external environmental exposome and obesity: A comprehensive nationwide study in 2019 among Chinese children and adolescents
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 927, 1 June 2024, 172233
Children and adolescents are particularly vulnerable to the effects of various environmental factors, which could disrupt growth processes and potentially lead to obesity. Currently, comprehensive and systematic assessments of these environmental exposures during developmental periods are lacking. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the association between external environmental exposures and the incidence of obesity in children and adolescents.
Data was collected from the 2019 Chinese National Survey on Students’ Constitution and Health, including 214,659 Han children aged 7 to 19. Body Mass Index (BMI) and BMI-for-age z-score (zBMI) were the metrics used to assess overweight and obesity prevalence. The study assessed 18 environmental factors, including air pollutants, natural space, land cover, meteorological conditions, built environment, road conditions, and artificial light at night. Exposome-wide association study (ExWAS) to analyze individual exposures’ associations with health outcomes, and Weighted Quantile Sum (WQS) to assess cumulative exposure effects.
Among the children and adolescents, there were 24.2 % participants classified as overweight or obesity. Notably, 17 out of 18 environmental factors exhibited significant associations with zBMI and overweight/obesity. Seven air pollutants, road conditions, and built density were positively correlated with higher zBMI and obesity risk, while NDVI, forests, and meteorological factors showed negative correlations. Co-exposure analysis highlighted that SO2, ALAN, PM10, and trunk road density significantly increased zBMI, whereas rainfall, grassland, and forest exposure reduced it. Theoretically reduction in the number and prevalence of cases was calculated, indicating potential reductions in prevalence of up to 4.51 % for positive exposures and 5.09 % for negative exposures. Notably, substantial reductions were observed in regions with high pollution levels.
This large-scale investigation, encompassing various environmental exposures in schools, highlights the significant impact of air pollution, road characteristics, rainfall, and forest coverage on childhood obesity.
14. Regulatory or market pressures: What promotes environmental grandstanding in Bangladesh?
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 457, 10 June 2024, 142444
Many factors affect the adoption of the mandatory technology of effluent treatment plants for pollution management in Bangladesh. Some of these factors could also affect the adoption of voluntary environmental standards. Therefore, it is important to identify and analyze the importance of these key factors, considering their role in enhancing environmental performance in crucial industries for the country’s economy. In this study, a literature review preceded an analysis of factors through structural equation modelling to investigate how attributes of the regulatory agency combine with market aspects to influence environmental practices such as the adoption of mandatory ETP and voluntary certifications. Using official quarterly data, the results of this study show that access to green finance and the number of employees of the regulatory agency significantly affect the adoption of additional ETPs. On the other hand, the size of fines for pollution does not significantly affect the adoption of ETPs. It was also found that green finance and additional ETP adoption also increased the adoption of green factory buildings, which is a voluntary exercise. This study sheds light on the underlying relationships that can guide ongoing multilateral interventions to enhance capacity of regulatory agencies to implement environmental regulations. It also provides new evidence to formulate relevant strategies for enhancing environmental performance by scaling up green finance.
15. A comprehensive study of food waste management and processing in the Czech Republic: Potential health risks and consumer behavior
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 927, 1 June 2024, 172214
Food waste is currently a widely discussed phenomenon with significant economic and social consequences. One third of the food produced in the world is wasted at various points along the food supply chain. This article presents a comprehensive study that examines consumer behavior in dealing with food waste and activities in the composting process that enable waste sanitation. The survey conducted as part of this study showed that consumers want to eliminate odors, are concerned about potential infections, and generally sort less food waste. This study suggested that the addition of appropriate additives could be a solution. The results indicated that additives could eliminate negative side effects such as unpleasant odors, the presence of insects and rodents, and act as a prevention of the occurrence of pathogenic organisms. Tea tree oil showed the best positive physical and chemical properties among the additives tested (CaCO3 and citric acid) with a significant effect on inhibiting the growth of bacterial strains such as Salmonella strains and had the strongest antibacterial effect, neutralized unpleasant odors, and stabilized the waste. The use of additives could be a future solution to meet consumer demands, improve the quality of food waste and advance the circular economy to improve the sustainability of agricultural systems.
16. Green finance and food production: Evidence from cities in China
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 458, 15 June 2024, 142423
In the domain of global socio-economic dynamics, the pivotal role of food production (FP) cannot be overstated. It constitutes the bedrock of fundamental human necessities while being inexorably linked with critical aspects such as economic expansion, societal equilibrium, and geopolitical interplays. The multifaceted nature of FP appears through its direct impact on macroeconomic indicators and its latent influence on international relations and policy-making. This critical nexus underscores the imperative for a comprehensive understanding and strategic management of food production processes to sustain and enhance global socio-economic stability and growth. Investigating the nexus between green finance (GF) and FP is pivotal for ensuring national security and promoting sustainable economic development. This research thus paper examines GF’s impact on FP in China as outlined in the 2017 green finance policies. It employs the difference-in-differences (DID) method and analyzes a balanced panel dataset comprising 282 cities in China from 2009 to 2020. The results show that GF has an inhibitory effect on FP, and this remains valid after a range of reliability checks, including parallel trend assessments and placebo tests. Further findings of transmission mechanism analysis indicate that non-agricultural factors and financial exclusion are critical for GF’s inhibitory effect on FP. Heterogeneity analyses show that GF’s inhibitory effect on FP is more pronounced in the main food-producing areas, the main food-marketing areas, and cities with better infrastructure. The empirical results of this paper comprehensively illustrate GF’s impact on FP and how it contributes to the achievement of food security objectives.
1. Applying fluorescence spectroscopy coupled with Gaussian band fitting to reveal dynamic variation process of humus fractions from riparian soils along an urbanized river
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 927, 1 June 2024, 172193
Humus, an important fraction of soil organic matter, play an environmental role on nutrients, organic and inorganic pollutants in riparian zones of urbanized rivers. In this study, dynamic variation process of humus fractions from riparian soils was revealed along Puhe River. Composite soil samples of four depths were collected from four land-uses, i.e., eco-conservation area (ECA), industrial area (INA), urban/town area (UTA), rural/agricultural area (RAA). Based on synchronous fluorescence spectra coupled with Gaussian band fitting, fulvic/humic acid predominantly contained tyrosine-like (TYLF), tryptophan-like (TRLF), microbial-like (MLF), fulvic-like (FLF) and humic-like (HLF) substances within each soil profile. TRLF, MLF and FLF (89.43–90.30 %) are the representative components in fulvic-acid, while MLF and HLF (52.81–59.97 %) in humic-acid. Phenolic, carboxylic and humified materials were present in both humus. According to 2-dimensitonal correlation spectroscopy and canonical correlation analysis, fulvic/humic acid within the ECA soil profile could be mainly derived from the degradations of terrestrial plant metabolites and residuals. Within the INA, fulvic-acid could be associated with treated/untreated wastewater, which entered the river and flew into the riparian during high flow period; whereas humic-acid could be relative to the terrestrials. Fulvic-acid had the same source as humic-acid in the UTA, which might be concerned with scattered domestic sewage and livestock wastewater, rather than the fluvial water. Furthermore, the source of fulvic/humic acid in the RAA was the crop metabolites and residuals, apart from the livestock wastewater. Noticeably, the variations of humus fractions in the ECA and RAA roughly occurred in 0–60 cm, while approximately in 20–80 cm in the INA and UTA. This proved that humus fractions in the former were referred to the plant/crop residuals, whereas humus fractions in the latter were those the terrestrials and fluvial water. This study could provide a key support for the construction and restoration of the urbanized riparian zone.
2. Anthropogenic impacts and quantitative sources of nitrate in a rural-urban canal using a combined PMF, δ15N/δ18O–NO3-, and MixSIAR approach
Environmental Research, Volume 251, Part 1, 15 June 2024, 118587
Nitrate (NO3−) pollution in irrigation canals is of great concern because it threatens canal water use; however, little is known about it at present. Herein, a combination of positive matrix factorization (PMF), isotope tracers, and Mixing Stable Isotope Analysis in R (MixSIAR) was developed to identify anthropogenic impacts and quantitative sources of NO3− in a rural-urban canal in China. The NO3− concentration (0.99–1.93 mg/L) of canal water increased along the flow direction and was higher than the internationally recognized eutrophication risk value in autumn and spring. The inputs of the Fuhe River, NH4+ fertilizer, soil nitrogen, manure & sewage, and rainfall were the main driving factors of canal water NO3− based on principal component analysis and PMF, which was supported by evidence from δ15N/δ18O–NO3-. According to the chemical and isotopic analyses, nitrogen transformation was weak, highlighting the potential of δ15N/δ18O–NO3- to trace NO3− sources in canal water. The MixSIAR and PMF results with a <15% divergence emphasized the predominance of the Fuhe River (contributing >50%) and anthropogenic impacts (NH4+ fertilizer plus manure & sewage, >37%) on NO3− in the entire canal, reflecting the effectiveness of the model analysis. According to the MixSIAR model, (1) higher NO3− concentration in canal water was caused by the general enhancement of human activities in spring and (2) NO3− source contributions were associated with land-use patterns. The high contributions of NH4+ fertilizer and manure & sewage showed inverse spatial variations, suggesting the necessity of reducing excessive fertilizer use in the agricultural area and controlling blind wastewater release in the urban area. These findings provide valuable insights into NO3− dynamics and fate for sustainable management of canal water resources. Nevertheless, long-term chemical and isotopic monitoring with alternative modeling should be strengthened for the accurate evaluation of canal NO3− pollution in future studies.
3. Hydrodynamics and phosphorus loading in an urbanized river channel influences response to future managed change: Insights from advection-dispersion modelling
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 927, 1 June 2024, 171958
There is a need to understand what makes certain targeted measures for in-river phosphorus load reduction more effective than others. Therefore, this paper investigates multiple development scenarios in a small lowland polluted river draining an urban area (The Cut, Bracknell, UK), using an advection-dispersion model (ADModel-P). A comparative analysis is presented whereby changes in concentrations and fluxes of soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and organic phosphorus (OP) have been attributed to specific transformations (mineralization, sedimentation, resuspension, adsorption-desorption, and algal uptake) and correlated to controlling factors. Under present day conditions the river stretch is a net source of SRP (10.4 % increase in mean concentration) implying a release of previously accumulated material. Scenarios with the greatest impact are those based on managed reduction of phosphorus load in sources (e.g., 20 % increase in afforestation causes an in-river SRP and OP reduction of 1.3 % to 12.6 %) followed by scenarios involving changes in water temperature (e.g., 1 °C decrease leads to in-river SRP reduction around 3.1 %). Measures involving increased river residence time show the lowest effects (e.g., 16 % decrease in velocity results in under 0.02 % in-river SRP and OP reduction). For better understanding downstream persistence of phosphorus pollution and the effectiveness of mitigation measures the research demonstrates the importance of establishing when and where reaches are net adsorbers or desorbers, and whether sedimentation or resuspension is important.
4. Concentration levels and ecological risk assessment of typical organophosphate esters in representative surface waters of a megacity
Environmental Research, Volume 251, Part 1, 15 June 2024, 118614
Organophosphate esters (OPEs) have been widely used as flame retardants and plasticizers in consumer and industrial products. They have been found to have numerous exposure hazards. Recently, several OPEs have been detected in surface waters around the world, which may pose potential ecological risks to freshwater organisms. In this study, the concentration, spatial variation, and ecological risk of 15 OPEs in the Beiyun and Yongding rivers were unprecedentedly investigated by the ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS) and risk quotient (RQ) method. The result showed that triethyl phosphate (TEP), tri (2-chloroisopropyl) phosphate (TCPP) were the most abundant OPEs with average concentrations of 55.53 ng/L and 42.29 ng/L, respectively. The concentrations of OPEs in the Beiyun River are higher than in the Yongding River, and their levels were higher in densely populated and industrial areas. The risk assessment showed that there was insignificant from OPEs to freshwater organisms in these rivers (RQs <0.1). The risk was higher downstream than upstream, which was related to human-intensive industrial activities downstream in the Yongding River. The ecological risk of OPEs in surface waters worldwide was estimated by joint probability curves (JPCs), and the result showed that there was a moderate risk for tri (2-chloroethyl) phosphate (TCEP), a low risk for trimethyl phosphate (TMP), and insignificant for other OPEs. In addition, the QSAR-ICE-SSD model was used to calculate the hazardous concentration for 5% (HC5). This result validated the feasibility and accuracy of this model in predicting acute data of OPEs and reducing biological experiments on the toxicity of OPEs. These results revealed the ecological risk of OPEs and provided the scientific basis for environmental managers.
5. Which habitat factors affect the occurrence and richness of cavity nesters in parks along an urbanisation gradient? Recommendations for the management of greenery in an urban landscape
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 927, 1 June 2024, 172091
Urban development reduces the area of natural or semi-natural habitats, e.g., forests in a lot of cities and suburban areas (Liu et al., 2016; Wang et al., 2020). Such negative changes are observed in many different urbanised regions in the world (see, e.g., Nowak and Greenfield, 2018; McDonald et al., 2019; Zhu and Zhu, 2021). Deforestation and forest fragmentation negatively affect the occurrence of many species associated with such habitats, for example, plants (Almas and Conway, 2016; Nitoslawski et al., 2016), invertebrates (Kotze et al., 2022), mammals (Villaseñor et al., 2014), or birds (Vargas-Cárdenas et al., 2022; Hastedt and Tietze, 2023). Such forest transformation ultimately leads to a reduction in species diversity in urban areas (e.g. Pereira et al., 2010; Vargas-Cárdenas et al., 2022; Fraissinet et al., 2022; Hastedt and Tietze, 2023; Ramón-Martínez and Seoane, 2023). One way to protect natural resources, apart from, e.g., protecting forest remnants in cities, may also be to designate new refugia for forest species. These may be various types of non-forest tree stands, such as avenues, gardens or parks (Tam and Bonebrake, 2016; Łopucki and Kitowski, 2017), which are created by humans in urban areas. They are located for very different purposes, e.g. as decorative or recreational areas, but they also perform many other utilitarian functions, e.g. they mitigate the climate, reduce noise or air pollution (Brown et al., 2015; Matos et al., 2019; Aram et al., 2020).
6. Distribution, source apportionment, and ecological risk assessment of soil antibiotic resistance genes in urban green spaces
Environmental Research, Volume 251, Part 1, 15 June 2024, 118601
Urban green spaces play a crucial role in cities by providing near-natural environments that greatly impacts the health of residents. However, these green spaces have recently been scrutinized as potential reservoirs of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs), posing significant ecological risks. Despite this concern, our understanding of the distribution, sources, and ecological risks associated with ARGs remains limited. In this study, we investigated the spatial distribution of soil ARGs using spatial interpolation and auto-correlation analysis. To apportion the source of soil ARGs in urban green spaces of Tianjin, Geo-detector method (GDM) was employed. Furthermore, we evaluated the ecological risk posed by ARGs employing risk quotients (RQ). The results of our study showed a significantly higher abundance of Quinolone resistance genes in the soil of urban green spaces in Tianjin. These genes were mainly found in the northwest, central, and eastern regions of the city. Our investigation identified three main factors contributing to the presence of soil ARGs: antibiotic production, precipitation, livestock breeding, and hospital. The results of ecological risk in RQ value showed a high risk associated with Quinolone resistance genes, followed by Aminoglycoside, Tetracycline, Multidrug, MLSB, Beta Lactam, Sulfonamide, and Chloramphenicol. Mantel-test and correlation analysis revealed that the ecological risk of ARGs was greatly influenced by soil properties and heavy metals. This study provides a new perspective on source apportionment and the ecological risk assessment of soil ARGs in urban green spaces.
7. Towards a low-emission resource circulation of valuable metals from municipal solid waste incineration fly ash
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 929, 15 June 2024, 172657
The incineration fly ash (IFA) resulting from municipal solid waste combustion is laden with heavy metals, necessitating proper treatment not only for environmental management but also to reclaim the metal values. The surge in non-traditional metals like cobalt as emerging contaminant within IFA samples further attracts to address this issue. In response, the hydrometallurgical recycling of a cobalt-bearing IFA has been studied. Thereby, approximately 98 % zinc and 96 % cobalt were leached using a 1.0 mol/L H2SO4 solution at 90 °C and 1 h of leaching time. In-depth analysis of the leaching process unveiled metals’ dissolution primarily via the ion-exclusion mechanism, as evidenced by lower diffusion coefficients (between 10−9 and 10−11 m2/s) and activation energies (9.6–14.9 kJ/mol). Above 99 % separation of zinc from the cobalt-bearing leach liquor was achieved by extraction with 1.0 mol/L D2EHPA at an equilibrium pH below 3.0, followed by stripping with a 2.0 mol/L H2SO4 solution. Cobalt, remained in the raffinate was efficiently precipitated by adding a 20 % excess dosage of oxalic acid to the stoichiometric ratio of C2O42−:Co2+, resulting in only 5 mg/L cobalt left in the solution when precipitation occurred at a pH of 2.8. Additionally, the conversion of CoC2O4 to high-purity Co3O4 was conducted through heat-treatment at 600 °C. The resulting Co3O4 was mixed with Li2CO3 at a Li/Co molar ratio of 1.1, yielding a LiCoO2 precursor that exhibited good electrochemical properties with a capacity of 128 mAh/g, thus affirming the high quality of the recycled cobalt. A comprehensive life-cycle assessment of the recycling process revealed that cobalt precipitation alone contributes approximately 50 % of the total global warming potential (GWP = 4.2624 kg CO2-eq). Notably, this value is remarkably lower than the GWP reported for primary cobalt production, highlighting the environmentally-friendly approach of this recycling endeavor.
8. Examining racial and ethnic heat exposure disparities in New York City (NYC) across different spatial and political scales through geographic effect measure modification
Environmental Research, Volume 250, 1 June 2024, 118521
Structural racism in the United States has resulted in neighborhoods with higher proportions of non-Hispanic Black (Black) or Hispanic/Latine residents having more features that intensify, and less that cool, the local-heat environment. This study identifies areas of New York City (NYC) where racial/ethnic heat exposure disparities are concentrated. We analyzed data from the 2013–2017 American Community Survey, U.S Landsat-8 Analysis Ready Data on summer surface temperatures, and NYC Land Cover Dataset at the census tract-level (n = 2098). Four cross-sectional regression modeling strategies were used to estimate the overall City-wide association, and associations across smaller intra-city areas, between tract-level percent of Black and percent Hispanic/Latine residents and summer day surface temperature, adjusting for altitude, shoreline, and nature-cover: overall NYC linear, borough-specific linear, Community District-specific linear, and geographically weighted regression models. All three linear regressions identified associations between neighborhood racial and ethnic composition and summer day surface temperatures. The geographically weighted regression models, which address the issue of spatial autocorrelation, identified specific locations (such as northwest Bronx, central Brooklyn, and uptown Manhattan) within which racial and ethnic disparities for heat exposures are concentrated. Through examining the overall effects and geographic effect measure modification across spatial scales, the results of this study identify specific geographic areas for intervention to mitigate heat exposure disparities experienced by Black and Hispanic/Latine NYC residents.
9. Ethanol, acetaldehyde, and methanol in the gas phase and rainwater in different biomes and urban regions of Brazil
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 929, 15 June 2024, 172629
In the context of the increasing global use of ethanol biofuel, this work investigates the concentrations of ethanol, methanol, and acetaldehyde, in both the gaseous phase and rainwater, across six diverse urban regions and biomes in Brazil, a country where ethanol accounts for nearly half the light-duty vehicular fuel consumption. Atmospheric ethanol median concentrations in São Paulo (SP) (12.3 ± 12.1 ppbv) and Ribeirão Preto (RP) (12.1 ± 10.9 ppbv) were remarkably close, despite the SP vehicular fleet being ∼13 times larger. Likewise, the rainwater VWM ethanol concentration in SP (4.64 ± 0.38 μmol L−1) was only 26 % higher than in RP (3.42 ± 0.13 μmol L−1). This work demonstrated the importance of evaporative emissions, together with biomass burning, as sources of the compounds studied. The importance of biogenic emissions of methanol during forest flooding was identified in campaigns in the Amazon and Atlantic forests. Marine air masses arriving at a coastal site led to the lowest concentrations of ethanol measured in this work. Besides vehicular and biomass burning emissions, secondary formation of acetaldehyde by photochemical reactions may be relevant in urban and non-urban regions. The combined deposition flux of ethanol and methanol was 6.2 kg ha−1 year−1, avoiding oxidation to the corresponding and more toxic aldehydes. Considering the species determined here, the ozone formation potential (OFP) in RP was around two-fold higher than in SP, further evidencing the importance of emissions from regional distilleries and biomass burning, in addition to vehicles. At the forest and coastal sites, the OFP was approximately 5 times lower than at the urban sites. Our work evidenced that transition from gasoline to ethanol or ethanol blends brings the associated risk of increasing the concentrations of highly toxic aldehydes and ozone, potentially impacting the atmosphere and threatening air quality and human health in urban areas.
10. Yield stress Measurement of municipal sludge: A comprehensive evaluation of testing methods and concentration effects using a rotational rheometer
Environmental Research, Volume 250, 1 June 2024, 118554
Accurate prediction and measurement of yield stress are crucial for optimizing sludge treatment and disposal. However, the differences and applicability of various methods for measuring yield stress are subjects of ongoing debate. Meanwhile, literature on measuring sludge yield stress is limited to low solid concentrations (TS <10%), understanding and studying the yield stress of medium to high solid concentration sludge is crucial due to increasingly stringent standards for sludge treatment and disposal. So, this study employed a rotational rheometer to measure sludge yield stress across a wide range of TS (4–50%) using steady shear, dynamic oscillatory shear, and transient shear. The study derived significant conclusions by comparing and summarizing the applicability and limitations of each testing method: Dynamic oscillatory shear methods, including G′-σ curve method, γ-σ curve method, and G**γc method can measure sludge yield stress ranging from 4% to 40% TS, while other methods are restricted to low or limited solid concentrations; The G’ = G″ method, utilizing the intersection of G′ and G″ curves, consistently yields the highest value for yield stress when 4%≤ TS ≤ 12%; The rotational rheometer cannot measure sludge yield stress when the solid concentration exceeds 40% TS; The relationship between sludge yield stress and solid concentration is stronger as a power-law for TS ≤ 25%, transitioning to linear for higher concentrations (28%≤ TS <40%). This study systematically explores the applicability and limitations of various measurement methods for characterizing sludge yield stress across a wide range of solid concentrations, providing valuable guidance for scientific measurement and highlighting challenging research issues.
11. How tolerances, competition and dispersal shape benthic invertebrate colonisation in restored urban streams
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 929, 15 June 2024, 172665
Biotic communities often respond poorly to river restoration activities and the drivers of community recovery after restoration are not fully understood. According to the Asymmetric Response Concept (ARC), dispersal capacity, species tolerances to stressors, and biotic interactions are three key drivers influencing community recovery of restored streams. However, the ARC remains to be tested. Here we used a dataset on benthic invertebrate communities of eleven restored stream sections in a former open sewer system that were sampled yearly over a period of eleven years. We applied four indices that reflect tolerance against chloride and organic pollution, the community’s dispersal capacity and strength of competition to the benthic invertebrate taxa lists of each year and site. Subsequently, we used generalised linear mixed models to analyse the change of these indices over time since restoration. Dispersal capacity was high directly after restoration but continuously decreased over time. The initial communities thus consisted of good dispersers and were later joined by more slowly dispersing taxa. The tolerance to organic pollution also decreased over time, reflecting continuous improvement of water quality and an associated increase of sensitive species. On the contrary, chloride tolerances did not change, which could indicate a stable chloride level throughout the sampling period. Lastly, competition within the communities, reflected by interspecific trait niche overlap, increased with time since restoration. We show that recovery follows a specific pattern that is comparable between sites. Benthic communities change from tolerant, fast dispersing generalists to more sensitive, slowly dispersing specialists exposed to stronger competition. Our results lay support to the ARC (increasing role of competition, decreasing role of dispersal) but also underline that certain tolerances may still shape communities a decade after restoration. Disentangling the drivers of macroinvertebrate colonisation can help managers to better understand recovery trajectories and to define more realistic restoration targets.
12. Methane emissions and microbial communities under differing flooding conditions and seasons in littoral wetlands of urban lake
Environmental Research, Volume 250, 1 June 2024, 118390
Wetlands are the largest natural sources of methane (CH4) emissions worldwide. Littoral wetlands of urban lakes represent an ecotone between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems and are strongly influenced by water levels, environmental conditions, and anthropogenic activities. Despite these littoral zones being potential “hotspots” of CH4 emissions, the status of CH4 emissions therein and the role of physicochemical properties and microbial communities regulating these emissions remain unclear. This study compared the CH4 fluxes, physicochemical properties, and CH4-cycling microbial communities (methanogens and methanotrophs) of three zones (a non-flooded supralittoral zone, a semi-flooded eulittoral zone, and a flooded infralittoral zone) in the littoral wetlands of Lake Pipa, Jiangsu Province, China, for two seasons (summer and winter). The eulittoral zone was a CH4 source (median: 11.49 and 0.02 mg m−2 h−1 in summer and winter, respectively), whereas the supralittoral zone acted as a CH4 sink (median: −0.78 and −0.09 mg m−2 h−1 in summer and winter, respectively). The infralittoral zone shifted from CH4 sink to source between the summer (median: −10.65 mg m−2 h−1) and winter (median: 0.11 mg m−2 h−1). The analysis of the functional genes of methanogenesis (mcrA) and methanotrophy (pmoA) and path analysis showed that CH4 fluxes were strongly regulated by biotic factors (abundance of the mcrA gene and alpha diversity of CH4-cycling microbial communities) and abiotic factors (ammonia nitrogen, moisture, and soil organic carbon). In particular, biotic factors had a major influence on the variation in the CH4 flux, whereas abiotic factors had a minor influence. Our findings provide novel insights into the spatial and seasonal variations in CH4-cycling microbial communities and identify the key factors influencing CH4 fluxes in littoral wetlands. These results are important for managing nutrient inputs and regulating the hydrological regimes of urban lakes.
13. Where the not-so-wild things are in cities? The influence of social-ecological factors in urban trees at multiple scales
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 929, 15 June 2024, 172552
Green infrastructure plays an essential role in cities due to the ecosystem services it provides. However, these elements are shaped by social and ecological factors that influence their distribution and diversity, affecting ecological functions and human well-being. Here, we analyzed neighborhood tree distribution – trees in pocket parks, squares and along streets – in Lisbon (Portugal) and modelled tree abundance and taxonomic and functional diversity, at the parish and local scales, considering a comprehensive list of social and ecological factors. For the functional analyses, we included functional traits linked to dispersal, resilience to important perturbations in coastal Mediterranean cities, and ecosystem services delivery. Our results show not only that trees are unevenly distributed across the city, but that there is a strong influence of social factors on all biological indices considered. At the parish and local scales, abundance and diversity responded to different factors, with abundance being linked to both social and ecological variables. Although the influence of social factors on urban trees can be expected, by modelling their influence we can quantify how much humans modify urban landscapes at a structural and functional level. These associations can underlie potential biodiversity filters and should be analyzed over time to inform decisions that support long-term ecological resilience, maximize trait functional expression, and increase equity in ecosystem services delivery.
14. Evaluation of pharmaceutical consumption between urban and suburban catchments in China by wastewater-based epidemiology
Environmental Research, Volume 250, 1 June 2024, 118544
Wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) is amply used for estimating human consumption of chemicals, yet information on regional variation of pharmaceuticals and their environmental fate are scarce. Thus, this study aims to estimate the consumption of three cardiovascular, four non-steroidal anti-inflammatory pharmaceuticals (NSAIDs), and four psychoactive pharmaceuticals between urban and suburban catchments in China by WBE, and to explore their removal efficiencies and ecological risks. Eleven analytes were detected in both influent and effluent samples. The estimated consumptions ranged from
15. Urban roadside greenery as a carbon sink: Systematic assessment considering understory shrubs and soil respiration
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 927, 1 June 2024, 172286
Roadside greenery is an efficient strategy for maximizing ecosystem services, including carbon sequestration in urban settings. However, the quantification of carbon sequestration is not comprehensive because understory shrubs and soil respiration have not been thoroughly considered. We developed an integrated methodology that combined field measurements and greenhouse incubation to comprehensively assess carbon sequestration in roadside greenery systems. The system was defined as an 8 m long section comprising a single tree (Zelkova serrata), 79 shrubs (Euonymus japonicus), and soil. Annual carbon uptake by a tree was estimated using an allometric equation derived from an official government report. For shrubs, carbon uptake was measured in the field by monitoring CO2 concentration change in the chamber enclosing the leaves and stems. Annual carbon uptake by shrubs was estimated by using the regression equation among carbon uptake, air temperature, and photosynthetically active radiation. We also estimated shrub root respiration by combining net primary production (NPP) from the greenhouse incubation and measured pruning effect in the field. This enabled us to differentiate heterotrophic respiration from the total soil respiration. The overall methodology accurately assessed net ecosystem production (NEP) from the roadside greenery system, which is 0.528 kg C m−2 yr−1. If this figure is extended to all roads in the target city, it can offset daily carbon emitted from the total registered passenger vehicles in the target city. Considering that shrubs sequester an amount equivalent to 29.3 % of the carbon sequestered by tree species, the current greenhouse gas inventory should include shrubs as an important carbon sink. As we also revealed that roadside soil has high carbon vulnerability, proper soil management is needed to enhance NEP. Our systematic approach evaluating the carbon balance within the roadside greenery system can be applied to other cities, contributing to enhance global understanding of urban carbon cycle.
16. Wastewater in Latin American urban peripheries: Identifying research trends and challenges through a systematic literature review
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 931, 25 June 2024, 173019
Water is a defining element for cities and their inhabitants. Throughout urban systems, water is either produced or received, used, and finally disposed of as wastewater. As Latin American urbanization accelerates, problems related to wastewater are increasing due to its inclusion as the main source of river pollution, as well as the high cost of infrastructure development and maintenance. The consequences of wastewater disposal are particularly relevant in areas frequently associated with urban expansion, like peripheries whose growth follows constant transitions between rural, peri-urban, and urban areas. Such consequences are often related to heterogeneity, lack of urban services and sanitation infrastructure, water pollution and health risks, as well as the development of informal compensatory systems. A systematic literature review was conducted to broaden research panorama and identify spatial, temporal, and thematic trends and challenges present in wastewater assessments of Latin American urban peripheries, this using the SALSA (search, appraisal, synthesis, and analysis) protocol in a search through international databases Scopus and Web of Science Scielo, in English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese. In these databases, 228 papers satisfied selection criteria and show a growing trend of publications about urban wastewater since 1988. Most case studies are from Brazil (58 %), Mexico (14 %), and Argentina (9 %). Their main approaches are quantitative research (82 %) in urban contexts (57 %). Most studies were found to be operationalized using environmental geochemistry methodologies, suggesting a dominance of technical, reductionist approaches. Integrated and mixed perspectives including actors and other societal elements are suggested as a central research challenge. Without an integrated view, it will be unfeasible to enhance decision-making processes and governance in the pursuit of sustainable water management.
17. The Superblock model: A review of an innovative urban model for sustainability, liveability, health and well-being
Environmental Research, Volume 251, Part 1, 15 June 2024, 118550
Current urban and transport planning practices have significant negative health, environmental, social and economic impacts in most cities. New urban development models and policies are needed to reduce these negative impacts. The Superblock model is one such innovative urban model that can significantly reduce these negative impacts through reshaping public spaces into more diverse uses such as increase in green space, infrastructure supporting social contacts and physical activity, and through prioritization of active mobility and public transport, thereby reducing air pollution, noise and urban heat island effects. This paper reviews key aspects of the Superblock model, its implementation and initial evaluations in Barcelona and the potential international uptake of the model in Europe and globally, focusing on environmental, climate, lifestyle, liveability and health aspects.
We used a narrative meta-review approach and PubMed and Google scholar databases were searched using specific terms.
The implementation of the Super block model in Barcelona is slow, but with initial improvement in, for example, environmental, lifestyle, liveability and health indicators, although not so consistently. When applied on a large scale, the implementation of the Superblock model is not only likely to result in better environmental conditions, health and wellbeing, but can also contribute to the fight against the climate crisis. There is a need for further expansion of the program and further evaluation of its impacts and answers to related concerns, such as environmental equity and gentrification, traffic and related environmental exposure displacement. The implementation of the Superblock model gained a growing international reputation and variations of it are being planned or implemented in cities worldwide. Initial modelling exercises showed that it could be implemented in large parts of many cities.
1. Isolation and characterization of novel 3,3′-iminodipropionitrile biodegrading Paracoccus communis, from an industrial wastewater treatment bioreactor
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 927, 1 June 2024, 172099
Until now, bacteria able to degrade, 3,3′-iminodipropionitrile (IDPN), a neurotoxin that destroys vestibular hair cells, causing ototoxicity, culminating in irreversible movement disorders, had never been isolated. The aim of this study was to isolate a novel IDPN-biodegrading microorganism and characterize its metabolic pathway. Enrichment was performed by inoculating activated sludge from a wastewater treatment bioreactor that treated IDPN-contaminated wastewater in M9 salt medium, with IDPN as the sole carbon source. A bacterial strain with a spherical morphology that could grow at high concentrations was isolated on a solid medium. Growth of the isolated strain followed the Monod kinetic model. Based on the 16S rRNA gene, the isolate was Paracoccus communis. Whole-genome sequencing revealed that the isolated P. communis possessed the expected full metabolic pathway for IDPN biodegradation. Transcriptome analyses confirmed the overexpression of the gene encoding hydantoinase/oxoprolinase during the exponential growth phase under IDPN-fed conditions, suggesting that the enzyme involved in cleaving the imine bond of IDPN may promote IDPN biodegradation. Additionally, the newly discovered P. communis isolate seems to metabolize IDPN through cleavage of the imine bond in IDPN via nitrilase, nitrile hydratase, and amidase reactions. Overall, this study lays the foundation for the application of IDPN-metabolizing bacteria in the remediation of IDPN-contaminated environments.
2. Estimates of the global burden of cancer-related deaths attributable to residential exposure to petrochemical industrial complexes from 2020 to 2040
Environmental Pollution, Volume 350, 1 June 2024, 123955
The petrochemical industry is a major industrial emitter of greenhouse gas (CO2) and environmental pollution, posing health risks to nearby communities. Although previous studies have indicated that residents living near petrochemical industrial complexes are at a higher risk of cancer, they have focused on local or regional burdens. This study aimed to estimate the global cancer burden attributable to residential exposure to petrochemical industrial complexes. The geographical coordinates of petrochemical plants and oil refineries were retrieved and verified from published sources. The ArcGIS software and global population data were used to estimate the number of people living within specific distances (exposed population). The exposure time window was framed as ranging from 1992 to 2035, extending to the latest period of the exposure time window for all cancer types to estimate the attributable deaths between 2020 and 2040. The relative risk of cancer was estimated from 15 published studies. Population attributable fraction (PAF) method was used to estimate the risk of cancer attributable to residential exposure and calculate the number of cancer-related deaths. Our findings indicate that >300 million people worldwide will be estimated to live near petrochemical industrial complexes by 2040. The overall global burden of cancer-related deaths was 19,083 in 2020, and it is estimated to increase to 27,366 deaths by 2040. The region with the highest attributable cancer deaths due to exposure is the high-income region, which had 10,584 deaths in 2020 and is expected to reach 13,414 deaths by 2040. Residential exposure to petrochemical industrial complexes could contribute to global cancer deaths, even if the proportion is relatively small, and proactive measures are required to mitigate the cancer burdens among these residents. Enforcing emissions regulations, improving monitoring, educating communities, and fostering collaboration are vital to protecting residents’ health.
3. Controlled solvothermal synthesis of self-assembled SrTiO3 microstructures for expeditious solar-driven photocatalysis dye effluents degradation
Environmental Research, Volume 251, Part 1, 15 June 2024, 118647
In this work, the self-assembled SrTiO3 (STO) microstructures were synthesized via a facile one-step solvothermal method. As the solvothermal temperature increased from 140 °C to 200 °C, the STO changed from a flower-like architecture to finally an irregularly aggregated flake-like morphology. The photocatalytic performance of as-synthesized samples was assessed through the degradation of rhodamine B (RhB) and malachite green (MG) under simulated solar irradiation. The results indicated that the photocatalytic performance of STO samples depended on their morphology, in which the hierarchical flower-like STO synthesized at 160 °C demonstrated the highest photoactivities. The photocatalytic enhancement of STO-160 was benefited from its large surface area and mesoporous configuration, hence facilitating the presence of more reactive species and accelerating the charge separation. Moreover, the real-world practicality of STO-160 photocatalysis was examined via the real printed ink wastewater-containing RhB and MG treatment. The phytotoxicity analyses demonstrated that the photocatalytically treated wastewater increased the germination of mung bean seeds, and the good reusability of synthesized STO-160 in photodegradation reaction also promoted its application in practical scenarios. This work highlights the promising potential of tailored STO microstructures for effective environmental remediation applications.
4. Available heavy metals concentrations in agricultural soils: Relationship with soil properties and total heavy metals concentrations in different industries
Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 471, 5 June 2024, 134410
Heavy metal (HM) pollution in agricultural soils has arisen sharply in recent years. However, the impact of main factors on available HMs concentrations in agricultural soils of the three main industries (smelting, chemical and mining industry) is unclear. Herein, soil properties (pH, cation exchange capacity (CEC) and texture (sand, slit, clay)), total and available concentrations were concluded based on the results of 165 research papers from 2000 to 2023 in Web of Science database. In the three industries, the correlation and redundancy analysis were used to study the correlation between main factors and available concentrations, and quantitatively analyzed the contribution of each factor to available concentrations with gradient boosting decision tree model. The results showed that different factors had varying degrees of impact on available metals in the three main industries, and the importance of same factors varied in each industry, as for soil pH, it was most important for available Pb and Zn in the chemical industry, but the total concentrations were most important in the smelting and mining industry. There was no significant correlation between total and available concentrations. Soil properties involved in this paper (especially soil pH) were negatively correlated with available concentrations. This study provides effective guidance for the formulation of soil pollution control and risk assessment standards based on industry classification in the three major industrial impact areas.
5. Bycatch and pollution are the main threats for Burmeister’s porpoises inhabiting a high-industrialized bay in the Humboldt Current System
Environmental Research, Volume 251, Part 2, 15 June 2024, 118621
Pollution and bycatch are two of the main threats for cetaceans worldwide. These threats are exacerbated for nearshore species particularly for those in regions with intense industrial and fishing activities. Burmeister’s porpoise is endemic to South America, has a Near Threatened conservation status because of long-term mortality in fisheries. Burmeister’s porpoise occur in Mejillones Bay, northern Chile, a hot spot for heavy metals pollution from the mining industry and an intense industrial and artisanal purse-seine fishing area. From 2018 to 2021, we conducted systematic marine surveys to assess the abundance, distribution and habitat use of Burmeister’s porpoises. We responded to stranding reports from 2018 to 2022, and necropsied nine individuals. From five of these, we analyzed the metal concentrations (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Hg, Se and Zn) in muscle and skin tissues. Results showed an abundance of 76.17 individuals (CV = 25.9%) and an average density of 0.45 individuals/km2 (CV = 26%). Burmeister’s porpoises were observed year round, 22.2% were mother-calf pairs present in austral summer at an average of 90.6 m depth in the southwestern bound of the bay. Two-thirds of stranded specimens died due to bycatch and one died due to bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) attack. We report a dead Burmeister’s porpoise positive for avian flu virus A (H5N1). Metals analyzed were found in muscle and skin tissues of stranded Burmeister’s porpoises in the following order (Zn > Cu > Cr > As > Hg > Pb > Cd). Although we could not assess pollution as a cause of mortality, Cr, As and Pb concentrations exceeded the concentrations found in other porpoises species worldwide. We conclude that bycatch and pollution as the main threats for Burmeister’s porpoise survival in northern Chile. Future studies should investigate the use of acoustic deterrent alarms to mitigate the bycatch in the bay and consider the Burmeister’s porpoise as a sentinel species of pollution in northern Chilean coast.
6. Advances in molecularly imprinted materials for selective adsorption of phenolic pollutants from the water environment: Synthesis, applications, and improvement
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 927, 1 June 2024, 172309
The application of molecularly imprinted material (MIM) is widely employed as a material for removing phenolic pollutants from the water environment, owing to its exceptional capacity for selective adsorption and high sensitivity. In this paper, the preparation principle, bonding types, and preparation methods of MIM have been comprehensively introduced. Meanwhile, according to the binding type of MIM with phenolic pollutants, three categories of hydroxyl bonding, hydroxyl carboxyl bonding, and hydroxyl nitro bonding were carried out to explain its application to phenolic pollutants. Strategies for addressing the challenges of selective instability, high regeneration costs, and template leakage in MIM applications were summarized. These strategies encompassed the introduction of superior carriers, enhancements in preparation processes, and the utilization of molecular dynamics simulation-assisted technology. Finally, the prospects in the three aspects of material preparation, process coupling, and recycling. In summary, this paper has demonstrated the potential of utilizing MIM for the selective treatment of phenolic pollutants from the water environment.
7. Enabling factors and critical extensions for the algal-based bioplastics industry
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 457, 10 June 2024, 142365
Emerging industries and technologies are made up of objective, practical requirements and ideas that encompass broad hopes for what future newness might enable. The bioeconomy is one such emerging industry. Its recent evolution has involved a complicated and dynamic mix of promises, reality checks and subsequent ambivalences. This article frames and investigates the emerging algae-based bioplastics industry as one niche within this broader system envisaged for social, technological, economic, political and ecological change. As such, our paper presents two categories of knowledge that in practice interrelate: 1) specific and practical recommendations that can assist a future algal-based bioplastics industry to develop in Australia in ways that are conscious of socio-ecological and socio-cultural dimensions, and 2) critical extensions that go beyond the attributes of newness, impact, suddenness and universality often emphasised in both popular and scientific research into emerging green technologies. In particular, our analysis highlights the importance of specific temporal, tonal and spatial factors when framing the contextual factors associated emerging industries, technologies and the different pathways for change they might help support.
8. Comparative study on the toxic elements in spent selective catalytic reduction (SCR) catalyst from different industries: Occurrence, leaching behavior, and detoxification strategy
Fuel, Volume 366, 15 June 2024, 131298
Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) is currently the most effective control method for NOx emission after fuel combustion. Spent selective catalytic reduction (SCR) catalysts from various industries have emerged as a novel solid waste. Toxic elements in spent SCR catalysts from various industries have not been given sufficient attention, resulting in its irrational disposal and potential environmental threats. This study investigates the presence and leaching behavior of toxic elements in spent SCR catalysts samples from four distinct industries: coal-fired power plants, flat glass manufacturing, cement manufacturing, and waste incineration plant. The experimental findings reveal that spent SCR catalysts contain toxic elements including V, As, Pb, Tl, Cu, and Zn. The types and concentrations of these toxic elements are contingent upon the composition of flue gas and operational conditions of NOx removal units employed in each industry. The environmental mobility and chemical speciation of these toxic elements are determined by diverse characterization techniques. Based on the analysis results, an acid-alkali leaching detoxification strategy is proposed. Following detoxification, the leaching concentrations of toxic elements in catalysts from coal-fired power plants, flat glass manufacturing, and waste incineration conform to the requirements of hazardous waste landfill standards. This study reveals the toxic element composition in spent SCR catalysts and provides a foundation for the rational disposal and management of these catalysts across diverse industries.
9. Role of Industry 4.0 technologies and human-machine interaction for de-carbonization of food supply chains
Journal of Cleaner Production, Available online 15 June 2024, 142922
A decarbonized food supply chain ensures that we have access to safe, nutritious, and affordable food with a reduced carbon footprint. It not only helps in reducing greenhouse gas emissions but also enhances food security by making the supply chain more resilient to climate-related disruptions, ensuring stable food production for a growing global population. Further, there is an increasing consumer demand for sustainably produced food, and meeting this demand is crucial for maintaining relevance and competitiveness in the global market. Without a well-functioning decarbonized supply chain, it would be much harder for farmers, processors, distributors, and retailers to promote food security and improve public health. Decarbonization in the food supply chain is a complex process that requires a multifaceted approach, with the entire supply chain from farm to fork being examined. Technological advances such as Industry 4.0, with a human-centric solution, could be an answer. By combining the power of Industry 4.0 with decarbonization efforts, the creation of a more sustainable and efficient food supply chain can be promised. Hence, this study utilizes a mixed-method approach to examine the Indian food supply chain, and analyses the factors that motivate stakeholders to implement decarbonized technologies. It uses opinions from industry as well as from academic experts for employing integrated Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and Interpretive structural modelling (ISM). AHP revealed that “International community pressure” is the most critical factor. Further, ISM is used to explain the interrelationships among the identified factors, providing a hierarchical model. These key findings can assist policymakers to develop and refine regulations. Further, it can also help stakeholders to make an informed decision while allocating resources towards new technologies.
10. Board centrality and environmental disclosures: Evidence from the polluting Industries in China
Emerging Markets Review, Volume 60, June 2024, 101146
We examine the association between board centrality and corporate environmental disclosure using hand-collected data from Chinese-listed firms in heavily polluting industries. We find that board centrality has a positive effect on corporate environmental disclosure. We also show that this positive effect emanates from the critical role of the board in monitoring and resource distribution, and its incentive to promote information transparency. Our results, which are robust to a set of robustness checks, have important implications for both regulators and investors.
11. Can the China–Europe Railway Express reduce carbon dioxide emissions? New mechanism of the manufacturing industry substitution effect
Economic Analysis and Policy, Volume 82, June 2024, Pages 1384-1405
The China–Europe Railway Express (CRE) has attracted and fostered low-carbon, export-oriented manufacturing industry sectors; thus, it could reduce carbon dioxide emissions through the manufacturing industry substitution effect. To verify this new mechanism, this study focuses on a specific case, namely, Chongqing’s electronic and telecommunications equipment (ETE) manufacturing industry, as this sector is a low-carbon industry promoted by the CRE. This study proposes a novel detour estimation strategy for causal identification of the environmental externality of the CRE on carbon dioxide emissions. The results show that the CRE could contribute to an increase of 567.06 billion yuan in ETE exports from Chongqing to Europe and a consequent reduction of 17.10 million tons of carbon dioxide between 2011 and 2021. This study provides new insights into the environmental externality of the CRE and the mechanism of the manufacturing industry substitution effect, contributing to the understanding of the relationship between transportation and carbon dioxide emissions.
12. Development of alginate beads loaded with bioactive ingredients from Chlorella vulgaris cultivated in food industry wastewaters
Algal Researchm, Volume 80, June 2024, 103530
Microalgae are increasingly recognized for their potential in the food sector due to their rapid growth and rich content in proteins, carbohydrates, and pigments. The extraction of pigments from microalgal biomass holds promise for their utilization as natural colorants and antioxidants. To address the economic challenges associated with microalgae cultivation, particularly high nutrient costs, this study focused on cultivating Chlorella vulgaris in a mixture of food industry wastewaters (brewery wastewater, expired orange juice and cheese whey). This resulted in a microalgae-bacteria consortium with a concentration of 2.2 g·L−1 dry weight after 5 days of cultivation. The wastewater bioremediation ranged between 23 and 77 %, and the produced microalgae biomass contained 21.68 ppm lutein, 36.47 ppm a-chlorophyll and 11.19 ppm b-chlorophyll. The extraction process employed a solvent screening strategy with food industry-accepted solvents used to extract high-value compounds efficiently. Ethanol was the most effective solvent, outperforming acetone, ethyl acetate, and hexane. An upscaled extraction process was conducted using 10 g lyophilized microalgae. After ethanol evaporation, the microalgal extract was re-diluted in sunflower oil and encapsulated in alginate beads, achieving an encapsulation yield of 93.3 %. Lutein, identified as one of the main compounds in the extract, exhibited a satisfactory encapsulation efficiency of 55 %. The efficient encapsulation of the microalgae components in alginate beads was verified by the alteration of the colorimetric parameters of these alginate beads compared to those loaded with pure sunflower oil as well as empty beads. These findings highlight the potential of microalgae as a valuable tool for transforming food industry wastewater into high-value products, especially when microalgal extract is encapsulated in alginate beads. This strategy presents substantial prospects for the food industry, merging effective wastewater valorization with biomass production and bioactive compound extraction. It exemplifies a circular bioeconomy, showcasing sustainable resource management and value creation.
13. Methane emissions from the natural gas industry in China – A systematically accounting based on the bottom-up approach
Gas Science and Engineering, Volume 126, June 2024, 205346
The comprehensive and meticulous assessment of methane (CH4) emissions stemming from the natural gas industry stands as an imperative endeavor in steering the natural gas industry toward a trajectory of low-carbon sustainability. This study has meticulously constructed detailed facility-level inventories for CH4 emissions within China’s natural gas industry and used a bottom-up approach to fully account for both direct and indirect CH4 emissions. The findings reveal a notable increase in CH4 emissions within the natural gas industry in China, rising from 2.04 Mt in 2012 to 3.94 Mt in 2021. Regionally, Shaanxi, Sichuan, and Xinjiang emerged as the primary emission contributors in 2020, signifying a shift from northeastern and northern China to northwestern and southwestern regions during the 2012–2020 period. The fluctuations in emissions, both overall and regionally, closely align with the evolving landscape of China’s natural gas sector. Projections for future CH4 emissions indicate a continued upward trajectory in tandem with industry growth. Consequently, the study emphasizes the urgency of implementing emission reduction measures in China’s natural gas industry. Timely intervention is crucial to ensuring the orderly progression of the industry while effectively curbing the associated CH4 emissions.
14. Peer effects, environmental regulation and environmental financial integration-Empirical evidence from listed companies in heavily polluting industries
Economic Analysis and Policy, Volume 82, June 2024, Pages 1446-1458
Amidst pressing global needs for environmental protection and sustainable development, the international community expects corporations to play a vital role, balancing profit pursuits with environmental responsibility. As the world’s second-largest economy and a manufacturing giant, China’s environmental governance and corporate models become a research centerpiece. Using the panel data of Chinese A-share heavy polluting industry listed companies from 2013 to 2020, and adopting the Linear-In-Means Model, this paper proposes for the first time that the corporate environmental financial integration is significantly influenced by the peer enterprises. Further research finds that: 1) Peer effect is more significant in private enterprises than state-owned enterprises. 2)The peer effect of environmental pollution integration of heavily polluting enterprises is sticky, mainly reflected in the effect of focus enterprises following peer enterprises to reduce their own environmental financial integration is stronger than the effect of following peer enterprises to upgrade synchronously. And this kind of stickiness is more significant in private enterprises. 3) The institutional pressure has a role in promoting the peer effect of enterprise environmental financial integration, and more significant in state-owned enterprises. Delving into the dynamics of Chinese enterprises in environmental management and financial strategies serves not only to excavate lessons from China’s experience but also contributes to the global reservoir of wisdom on environmental protection and green development.
15. Sustainability performance of Dutch firms and the role of digitalization: The case of textile and apparel industry
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 459, 25 June 2024, 142573
The textiles and apparel industry is a major contributor to economic development while at the same time being one of the most polluting industries due to its lengthy supply chain and resource intensive production operations. To address these sustainability challenges, digitalization is seen as one of the potential solutions. Using the lens of sustainability and digitalization in Supply Chain Management (SCM), this paper analyses the sustainability and digitalization status of Dutch textile and apparel firms. We used a mixed methodology of quantitative text mining of 94 Dutch textile and apparel firms as well as qualitative thematic and coding analysis of experts’ views and opinions on sustainability and digitalization in the Dutch textiles and apparel industry. Quantitative analysis of website data shows that Dutch textile and apparel firms predominantly communicate the environmental, to a lesser extent social, and least of all economic sustainability factors. Keyword analysis also shows that the use of technological keyword indicators is less prominent, while certain technologies such as IoT, sensors and blockchain correlate mostly to environmental sustainability factors. Moreover, qualitative analysis reveals that to address sustainability via digitalization, it is important to link sustainability goals to Key Performance Indicators, which requires data for traceability. We recommend firms to: (1) re-evaluate their business models and assess the extent traceability can be incorporated in their sustainability strategy; (2) enhance stakeholder collaboration within and outside the supply chain to utilize traceability; and (3) proactively use traceability information to improve transparency and accountability to meet legal requirements and address greenwashing. This study contributes to literature by showing the importance of traceability for (a) linking sustainability and digitalization in SCM, b) achieving the ultimate goals of transparency and accountability, and c) predicting demand and supply to address overproduction and waste in the textiles and apparel sector.
16. Greenhouse gas neutrality: A qualitative analysis of perceived sustainability tensions in the German chemical industry
Energy Research & Social Science, Volume 112, June 2024, 103525
The chemical industry plays a critical role in achieving climate neutrality. While several recent studies have concluded that a greenhouse gas-neutral chemical industry is technically feasible, implementation seems to lag behind. This study addresses this issue and contributes to the literature on corporate sustainability by providing a contextual perspective of tensions. Specifically, this study investigates perceived tensions of sustainability managers in their chemical firms’ quest to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and how they react to these tensions. The study thereby draws on paradox theory. A qualitative content analysis of interviews with sustainability managers from 22 chemical companies in Germany identifies six tensions, of which four occur very frequently. The responses are grouped into four categories: Business success vs. GHG savings (1), Missing availability (2), GHG savings vs other ecological impact (3) and Desire for sustainability vs. actual behaviour (4). Energy is identified as an overarching topic through which the tensions are linked. Therefore, it is concluded that the response to tensions, as well as the framework conditions around energy, determine if the tensions are either amplified or reduced.
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